Your eye colour can reveal the gender you’re most attracted to

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      If you’re an avid YLC enews reader you’ll know that your eye colour can tell you a fair bit about your health.

      New research reveals your eye colour may also reveal to whom you are attracted. Yep, a paper published on bioRxiv shows that people may prefer lovers with the same eye colour as their parents …

      Researchers tested 300 heterosexual and homosexual men and women and analysed their eye colour, as well as those of their lover and their parents. They categorised each response as either light—which included hazel, green, blue-green, blue, and grey eyes—or dark, including black, dark brown, and light brown eyes.

      Overall, straight women and gay men were twice as likely to have a lover with a similar eye colour as their father’s, while straight men and gay women were two and a half times more likely have a lover whose eye colour matched their mother’s.

      What colour are your parents’ eyes? Does this assessment ring true for you?

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