What will get your vote?

 A federal election has been called. The political players are ready. The banners are unfurling, and the battle lines are drawn.

Cue the drummer boy. Prepare for an onslaught of sloganeering, rhetoric and policy promises tied up in pretty pink bows.

Bring on Federal Election 2019.

YourLifeChoices has been seeking your feedback all year, trying to get a handle on which policies, measures and plans matter most to baby boomers and retirees.

In our 2019 Insights Survey, 73 per cent of the 7760 respondents told us that the Government was not doing enough to support retirees.

We asked about which areas our politicians needed to address. These requests included:

  • ability to earn more without reducing pension entitlements – 62.27 per cent
  • increase the Age Pension – 58.7 per cent
  • better access to Centrelink – 44.95 per cent
  • more entitlements – 35.54 per cent
  • more pre-retirement information – 31.85 per cent
  • training programs before retirement – 22.4 per cent
  • more health information – 21.5 per cent.


We’ve also narrowed down the top five election issues from our Friday Flash Poll: Which election issues matter most to you? They were: 

  • Increasing Age Pension payments
  • Health/Medicare
  • Energy and climate change
  • Border security
  • Aged care.


And based on results from other Flash Polls we’ve run throughout the year, we also know that universal dental care and franking credit policies matter to you.

But which issue matters most? Why not tell us so we can present the burning issue to the two major parties and some major players to see which of them will help make your retirement better.


Which retirement issues have we missed? Which party will look after you? Why do you think older Australians are so far being overlooked?


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