Who was your favourite PM?

Bill Shorten described Bob Hawke as ‘Labor’s greatest son’ and political leaders from here and around the world have sent condolences and high praise of Bob Hawke both for his time as leader and as a great man.

Tony Abbott said about Bob Hawke “He had a Labor heart, but a Liberal head” for which he has copped a flak in the press and from other politicians.

Bob Hawke will go down as one of Australia’s favourite prime ministers, but was he one of the best? Political veteran Laurie Oakes seems to think so.

Bob Hawke gave us Medicare which has certainly improved and often saved the lives of countless Australians. Even if this alone was his legacy, he’d have done more for this country than many PMs before him and since. But, along with Paul Keating, he opened trade with Asia and delivered on policies that ensured both prosperity and social equality. He certainly left his positive mark on Australia and Australians, which is an achievement maybe only a minority of PMs can put on their resume.

But he was more than a prime minister. His personality and ability to endear himself to the public will also go down in history. No one could ever forget that video of him celebrating Australia’s America’s Cup victory. He certainly passed the pub test, too. In fact, he once drank himself into the record books, when he was the fastest man to ‘skull’ a yard of beer during his days at Oxford.

Bob is famous for once saying “The things which are most important don’t always scream the loudest”.

His passing will not go unnoticed, and it certainly put a sober note on the final day of federal election campaigning, but the show will go on, just as Bob would have wanted.

We’d like to know who your favourite post-war prime minister was and who you think has done the most for Australia. So why not join us in our Friday Flash Poll and share your thoughts?

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And of course, share your thoughts on your favourite prime minister in the comments section below.


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