Who will receive concessions?

Concessions can be a vital component to being able to survive on a fixed income, so Beryl is keen to find out whether her partner is covered under her Pension Concession Card.

Q. Beryl

I am 66 and as I am a part-time worker, I receive a part Age Pension and have a Pension Concession Card.

My partner is 63 and not working, and he doesn’t receive any payment from Centrelink and his name appears on my pension card.

Is he eligible for any concessions – such a pharmacy and medical – or does he have to wait until he is pension age as well?

A. The good news is that your partner should be entitled to concessions as he is named on your Pension Concession Card. He will receive prescription medicines on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme at a concession rate. However, bulk billing and reduced-rate medical appointments are given at the discretion of the provider.

Other concessions will also be at the discretion of providers, but it certainly pays to ask the question before handing over your cash.

You can find out more about concession cards and what they offer from A guide to Centrelink concession cards

Related articles:

How do I know which concession card I’m eligible for?

Pensioners may lose concessions


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