Chloe’s sixth sense

Sunday columnist Peter Leith is 89 and says he is ‘half-deaf and half-blind’. He faces daily challenges but he makes every day – and every word – count. He notices things and he shares his observations – such as this one about Chloe the cat.


Chloe has been the resident cat at Eventide Nursing Home for longer than most of us can remember.

A large, slow-moving, gentle ginger cat, no one knows whether Chloe, before being neutered, was male or female. Chloe may actually be Claude!

Chloe is friendly and gentle to everyone in Eventide, but a few of us who are interested and still able to notice such things have seen that Chloe makes especially close friendships and spends a lot of time with people shortly before they die. She hardly leaves their sides.

A couple of times, people have been found dead in their wheelchairs with Chloe curled up on their laps.

My mate, old Bill Hogan, reckons that Chloe is “the recruiter for Heaven – or the other place”.

Excuse me, there’s a noise outside my door. It must be Chloe wanting to get in and spend some time with me again …

Do you believe animals have an extra sense? Have you come across an animal like Chloe? Do you have a story or an observation for Peter? Send it to [email protected] and put ‘Sunday’ in the subject line.

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