Simply plan your own send-off

Simplicity Funerals wants to share with you a free, incredibly useful and handy funeral organiser, which allows you to detail your every wish – from the funeral director you wish to use and the type of service you want to have, to the music, flowers and type of memorial. You can even guide your family by advising whom you want to give your eulogy, if you would like donations to charity and the type of coffin you would prefer.

The organiser is also a useful way to collate all the information your family will need when you die: personal information, financial information, details of marriage and children, next of kin and the executor of your will.

If you haven’t yet thought about prepaying your funeral, the funeral organiser will give you an indication of what needs to be considered and you may find that it makes financial sense to pay for what you want now. Simply put, a prepaid funeral allows you to document your wishes and lock these in at today’s prices, so you gain the financial security of knowing the cost of your funeral is protected from inflation. And you’ll have peace of mind knowing that an emotional time has been made easier for your family and loved ones.

To find out more about preplanning and prepaying your funeral, or to download your free copy of the funeral organiser, visit


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