An app to track your medicines

If you’re someone who could use a gentle reminder now and then, MedicineList+ is an app designed to let you know about and manage your medicines, as well as record important health information.

Launched by NPS MedicineWise in 2014, the free app is available on both Android and iOS devices. It’s especially useful for people who take three or more prescriptions, over-the-counter or complementary, every day.

Keeping a medicine list is a good way to remain medicine wise. However, according to a survey by Australian Medicine, only 55 per cent of older Australians (aged 65 years or older) keep a list of their medicines. A further 30 per cent have no method for keeping track of them at all.

The MedicineList+ app helps you and your family members keep an up-to-date list of all your medicines, gives reminders of when to take them, and can even keep track of more than one person’s list, making it useful for couples and people who care for older family members.

The app also allows you to:

  • generate a list of medicines that can be emailed, printed or saved for sharing with family, carers and doctors
  • scan the barcode of medicine packaging to enter it straight on to your medicine list
  • create multiple user profiles
  • set a reminder for medicine doses or other medical reminders
  • store measurement and test results, such as blood pressure readings, weight and height
  • add your own notes and general comments, such as allergies and energy contacts.


Download the app for free on Android and iOS.

Related articles:
Be medicine wise
Are your medicines killing you?
How to avoid medicine mistakes

Amelia Theodorakis
Amelia Theodorakis
A writer and communications specialist with eight years’ in startups, SMEs, not-for-profits and corporates. Interests and expertise in gender studies, history, finance, banking, human interest, literature and poetry.


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