Celebrate Mother’s Day remotely

From brunches to sporting events, most aspects of our social life are currently on hold, but with a little care and attention, there’s no need to add Mother’s Day to the list.

There are plenty of ways to spread the love without actual, physical presence – you just need to get a little creative.

Video calls are your friend
There are some things for which a text simply will not do. A phone call is the bare minimum, but helping your parent set up Skype or FaceTime might be the gift that keeps on giving in the weeks to come.

Play a game together
If you’ve mastered the video call, games such as chess and rummy can be played with a simple camera tilt, while word games and quizzes can be managed audio-only. Games such as Scrabble can easily be played in two locations – simply plot both players on both boards.

Send a virtual card
In the age of coronavirus, e-cards, which have enjoyed a surge of popularity in recent times, are starting to really earn their keep. Jacquie Lawson cards offer intricate, animated greetings featuring natural scenes, based mostly on hand-painted designs.

At the other end of the scale, Sloppy Kiss Cards serves up a menagerie of endlessly adorable cats and dogs that will invade your chosen inbox with cuteness while wearing silly hats.

Subscriptions and vouchers
A long-standing get-out-jail-free card, even in times of plenty, gift vouchers and subscription services are heaven for the housebound. Netflix and Spotify could certainly help keep boredom at bay (other providers are available), but not all subscription services are online only.

You can arrange the delivery of a monthly book bundle, or, if more to their taste, a monthly beer bundle. If you want something a little more outside the box, the Fresh Sock Co will send a new pair of comfortable yet fashionable socks to their door each month!

Normally an IOU smacks of disorganisation, but in the present circumstances, we think they’ll understand. Meals out, theatre shows and even picnics in the park have all been cut down by ‘corona chaos’, but they’ll be back, and if you pick or plan the right future outing, it will definitely be the thought that counts.

It’s not an easy time for gift-giving, but it’s really good to have something to look forward to.

Playlists and podcasts
If afternoon tea is cancelled, and your bouquet of peonies is still shedding petals in your kitchen, give them the gift of your opinion. Make them a playlist on Spotify, wire them a list of podcasts, or simply recommend a few movies.

More than a commodity, it’s a shared experience. Pop culture has been a reference point for generations, and once you’ve consumed the same things, you can talk about them.

Send a letter
We know, they may not get it in time, but older generations, in particular, appreciate the personal touch of pen and ink, and it’s impossible not to feel important receiving a properly addressed missive on elegant writing paper. The words may be the same as in an email – but the message is not.

And if you have run out of time to handwrite a card and pop it in the post, websites such as moonpig can do it for you! Just choose your design, you can even upload your own photos to make it even more personal, type what you want to say inside, enter the address and voila! It’ll be sent out in a day or two.

A self-isolation hamper
If your mum is social distancing a well-picked and personalised hamper can be a godsend. Prepare an aid basket filled with her favourite things – chocolates, magazines, seeds, if she’s a keen gardener, perhaps a few immune-boosting supplements and, most importantly, wine. How will you be celebrating this year?

– With PA

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YourLifeChoices Writers
YourLifeChoices Writershttp://www.yourlifechoices.com.au/
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