Pain-fighting foods to prevent and ease pain naturally

For many Australians, pain is a daily experience, leaving them reaching time and time again for the medicine cabinet. But you can prevent and ease pain naturally with these 10 pain-fighting foods.


Salmon is packed with omega-3 fatty acids that can help to reduce inflammation. It can also help to relieve joint pain and tenderness associated with rheumatoid arthritis. If you don’t like eating salmon, try other types of cold water fish including sardines, mackerel and tuna.


Ginger can help fight joint pain associated with arthritis. One study found that taking ginger capsules was just as effective as taking ibuprofen or other over-the-counter anti-inflammatory pain relief. Ginger is used in many traditional medicines and is known for helping to alleviate nausea and soothe the stomach.

Read: The surprising link between high-fat foods and pain.

Virgin olive oil

A compound called oleocanthal acts as a form of natural pain relief, and lubricin, found in extra virgin olive oil, helps to protect and improve the function of joints and cartilage. Keep in mind that cooking olive oil at high temperatures can reduce its health benefits.

Tart cherry juice

The antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds in tart cherries have a number of health benefits. One study found that runners who drank tart cherry juice in the seven days leading up to race day, and on the day itself, experienced far less muscle pain than control groups.

Read: How to manage knee pain

Pumpkin seeds

The magnesium found in pumpkin seeds can help to prevent and ease the symptoms of osteoporosis. If you’re prone to getting migraines, pumpkin seeds can reduce their frequency. If you don’t like pumpkin seeds, you can get your magnesium from dark green, leafy vegetables, lentils, beans, cashews and almonds.


Drinking mint tea can soothe an upset stomach. It also has some pain-relieving properties, and can help ease cramps, bloating and gas associated with irritable bowel syndrome.


Packed with phytonutrients and antioxidants that help to ease inflammation, blueberries can help to reduce pain. You’ll find similar benefits from fruits like oranges and strawberries. Luckily, frozen berries have just as many health benefits as fresh berries, so you can keep an affordable supply in your freezer year round.


Curcumin is the compound that gives turmeric its bright yellow colour, and also has a number of health benefits for your body. Curcumin intake can improve walking for people with osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. It has a wide range of other medical benefits, including improving your memory, has anti-inflammatory effects, helps fight depression, reduces blood pressure and can even help to prevent cancer.

Read: Morning stretches you can do in bed


This is the compound that gives chilli peppers their heat. It is a common ingredient in topical pain relievers. While the burning feeling of them on your skin can trick your pain into releasing pain blocking endorphins, eating chilli can help to prevent inflammation.

Red wine

Resveratrol is a compound found in the skin of red grapes. It can ease back pain by reducing inflammation in the disks. More research needs to be done into the health benefits of this compound, but drinking one to two glasses may help to ease your back after a long day.

Does your diet regularly contain any of these foods? Are you looking for alternative pain relief? Let us know in the comments section below.

Disclaimer: This article contains general information about health issues and is not advice. For health advice, consult your medical practitioner.


  1. All these foods are a ‘no-go’ for me. I’m allergic to seafood, and berries, spices upset my ulcer (it’s under control), and I’m a non-drinker, not into any kind of seeds, and a non-tea or coffee drinker – water is my go-to drink.

  2. Sorry !Tried all these natural foods for years as part of a healthy diet.NO PAIN relief!!
    IBUPROFEN (In moderation)plus TURMERIC helps a little for me!
    Get hip pain relief from stretches,TENS machine (pads) plus massage gun and PHYSIO gun!
    Happy New Year


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