Staying slim in your 60s

Unless you’re very lucky indeed, the older you get, the more difficult you will find it is to lose weight and fight off a spreading middle. However, once you reach 60, it’s essential that you maintain a healthy body weight to help combat the more prevalent lifestyle diseases that often creep up on you.

These five tips will soon have you on your way to healthier and slender 60-something you.

Don’t worry too much about the number on your scale
Sure, it can be daunting when you look down at the scale and realise that slowly but surely the extra kilos have crept on. As you get older, it’s important that you don’t lose muscle, organ tissue or bone mass, so solely trying to reduce the number on the scale isn’t really healthy at all.

It’s more important to reduce the excess fat that may be sitting on your frame, especially around your middle. While you can invest in expensive tools or undertake complex calculations to assess your body fat ratio, a simple measuring tape is all you need. As a general rule, your waist size should be half your height, so if you’re 68 inches tall, your waist should measure 34 inches.

Become pro-protein
You’ll see many ads on television and in the media aimed at convincing older adults to take protein supplements in the form of shakes to improve their diet. A study by the University of Arkansas has uncovered a link between increased protein intake and a reduction in age-related muscle loss in older adults, so adding more protein to your plate is a better option.

Lean proteins, such as chicken, should make up about 30 grams of each meal, but add more if you tend to crave high-carbohydrate foods.

Thirsty or hungry?
Those hunger pangs may not actually be your brain telling you that you need to eat. As you get older, the hypothalamus becomes less effective at telling the difference between hunger and thirst. The brain may not always signal thirst, so drinking plenty of water will not only ensure you’re hydrated, but will also promote healthy digestion and metabolism.

Stretch and strengthen
You should never take on exercise that is likely to see you injure yourself. However, adding some simple strength and stretching exercises to your daily routine will have some benefit. Simple repetitive stretching exercises will not only make you more supple, but will also increase the oxygen flow around your body and improve your posture. Add some core strength exercises and you’ll not only save yourself from potential injury, but you’ll also hold yourself better and will look slimmer.

Check your attitude
This isn’t as rude as it sounds but it’s often the case that weight gain is simply accepted as part of getting older. As noted in the opening paragraph, it does become more difficult to lose weight as we age, but that doesn’t mean you simply shouldn’t try.

If your friends have the same goals, why not get together and start a walking group, or exercise in the park? Or, if you’re not keen on exercising outside, club together, buy the latest exercise DVD, and workout at home. Just remember not to over do things, and to have fun!

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Losing weight for your body type

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