Do these things cause cancer?

There are a lot of myths surrounding the things that can cause cancer. And although there are many malicious substances or products that can encourage the silent killer, there are just as many myths about what can cause cancer. Here’s an A to Z of the more common ones.

Artificial Sweeteners
Lab tests show that saccharin caused cancer in rats, but then, we’re not rats, are we? Similar studies with aspartame were also inconclusive. It may not be so good for you in many other ways, but there’s no real hard science to say that sweeteners cause cancer.

Bottled Water
If you’re drinking a lot of water out of clear plastic bottles, you may also be consuming bisphenol A (BPA), a chemical used in food and drink containers that may be safe at low levels, but no one is sure. You’re better off ditching your plastic and using glass when possible.

The jury on coffee seems to be in and out with each passing week. However, the latest research shows that drinking around four cups a day can reduce your risk of some types of cancer, such as liver, prostate, uterus, skin, mouth and throat cancers.

Dental fillings
If you’ve had fillings in more recent years, then you should be safe, because there’s is no clear link between mercury and cancer.

Deodorant and antiperspirant
While there is conflicting evidence for and against deodorants and antiperspirants as the cause of cancer, many of these products use chemicals that act like estrogen, which, in high doses, can cause cancer cells to grow. Check your labels for parabens such as benzylparaben, butylparaben, methylparaben and propylparaben, and try to find brands with low levels of these ingredients.

There’s no strong tie between fluoride and cancer, but there are many studies that claim evidence to the contrary. If you’re in doubt, ask the EPA about the water in your area. Otherwise, buy a water filter.

Household Products
You should be wary of any household products that emanate volatile organic compounds (VOCs), such as cleaning, cosmetic, automotive, some paints, and hobby products. Products labelled as Danger/Poison, Corrosive, Severely Irritating, Highly Flammable, Highly Combustible, or Strong Sensitizer should be handled with care (i.e., with gloves and a mask) or in small doses.

Too much red meat is bad for you. And processed meats are the worst (and sometimes, the wurst). Luncheon meats, kabana, cold cuts, hot dogs and many types of sausage contain nitrites that can cause cancer. Smoked meats are also under investigation for how they affect people.

Poor quality air can cause cancer – as evidenced by the 220,000 lung cancer deaths worldwide caused by pollution. And nasty air can also cause bladder cancer. If the smog is bad in your neck of the woods, best plant more trees, or at least close your doors and windows.

Power Lines
Power lines give off extremely low frequency (ELF) radiation, which should be pretty safe but can still be a cause for concern. And it’s not just power lines that emit ELF radiation either – all electronic devices that use, make or send electricity do the same. Experts say you should stay at arm’s length from all electronic devices. Good luck with that.

You probably never imagined that sex could cause cancer, but it can. Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a potentially cancer-causing virus that’s transmitted through sexual contact. Most people who have sex will get this virus but they won’t necessarily get cancer.

Smartphones may not give you cancer, but they impart similar energy to that of microwaves, which may not be great for you but is not linked to cancer. To be safe, best keep your smartphone conversations to a minimum or use a hands-free device.

Low doses of X-rays are bad for you and will raise your risk of getting cancer. That’s why they give you a lead blanket. The higher the dose of radiation you receive, the higher your risk.

Read more at WebMD

Did any of these ‘revelations’ surprise you? Do you know of any other things that can give you cancer? Are you concerned about any specific carcinogenic substances or products

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