Exercise without trying

For some people, putting aside an hour every day for exercise isn’t always possible, so when it comes to fitting in your daily exercise, the stolen moments really add up.

Every part of your life can be a workout if you want it to be. Whether you’re cooking, watching TV or talking on the phone, it’s easier than you think to fit in some exercise.

It doesn’t have to take a lot of effort to keep fit and toned. Here are a few great ways to squeeze some extra exercise into your day while at home.

1. Go further than the letter box
When you head outside to collect the mail or the morning paper, take a few extra minutes and go for a brisk walk up and down your street. It’s a great way to start your day and get the blood pumping.

2. Lunge and brush
Even brushing your teeth can provide you with ample time to fit in some extra strengthen exercises. Spend two minutes performing lunges, squats or wall sits while cleaning your pearly whites. That’s called killing two birds with one stone.

3. Cook up some push-ups
This applies best when baking things in batches, which take only short intervals to cook, such as cookies. Set yourself a goal, such as 50 upright push-ups against the kitchen bench, and go by the oven timer until the cookies are done. Position your hands on the edge of the bench and press in and out like a regular push-up.

4. Walk the talk
If you’re on a call on your mobile that’s going to last for longer than 10 minutes, heading outside for a walk is a great way to keep moving and burn off extra calories. You’ll enjoy being outside and seeing things while having your conversation.

5. Dip into TV time
It’s nice to enjoy your favourite TV show but sifting through ad breaks is nobody’s idea of a good time. Turn ad breaks into workout time by performing floor sit-ups or triceps dips from the edge of the couch. Start with a goal of at least 100 repetitions and see how many you can achieve during your TV show. You’ll probably surprise yourself.

Even though these are simple exercises that virtually everyone can do, implementing them into your day can be the hardest part. The good news is that once you’ve started you’ve done the hardest part, and you’re already halfway to success. 

Discover other easy ways to fit in exercise at home at Creating Really Awesome Free Things.

Related articles:
How to exercise your whole body
How much exercise is enough?
Exercise boosts memory function

Amelia Theodorakis
Amelia Theodorakishttps://ameliatheoodorakis.godaddysites.com/
A writer and communications specialist with eight years’ in startups, SMEs, not-for-profits and corporates. Interests and expertise in gender studies, history, finance, banking, human interest, literature and poetry.
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