Life in a post-pandemic world

It’s safe to say we are living through a once-in-lifetime event.

But every day we are one day closer to coming out of lockdown, out into the world, and back into the arms of family and friends.

They will be baby steps, but each step will, hopefully, take us closer to the light at the end of this strange tunnel.

Because this is a once-in-a-lifetime event, it also offers a unique chance to understand a bit more about how COVID-19 has affected you, as well as what you’ll do in a post-COVID-19 world.

The YourLifeChoices Life in a post-pandemic world survey will help us to learn how you’ve coped with this coronavirus outbreak, the subsequent lockdown, your hopes and fears and intentions once social distancing restrictions are lifted, and how we might be able to learn from this experience so we can better plan should similar events occur in future.

And there’s a pretty nice prize up for grabs for those who participate.

So, why not take 10 minutes to fill out our survey, tell us how COVID-19 has affected you and you’ll have the chance to win a $500 Webjet Gift Card.

Complete the YourLifeChoices post-COVID-19 survey.

As always, we thank you for your input. It really helps us continue to deliver the most essential news and resources for your age and stage.

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