Is porn bad for your health?

Liam Petterson, The Conversation

Let’s be honest: during coronavirus lockdown it has been hard to resist the allure of internet intimacy. Rates of watching porn have skyrocketed in Australia during isolation.

But have you ever wondered what effects consuming adult content can have on your health?

We asked five experts whether watching porn is bad for our health.

Three out of five experts said yes

Their main concerns were about the creation of unrealistic expectations, links with gender-based violence, and the potential for addiction.

But some suggested education can help offset some of these possible harms, and porn can play a positive role for LGBTIQ+ young people.

Here are the experts’ detailed responses:

If you have a ‘yes or no’ health question you’d like posed to Five Experts, email your suggestion to: [email protected]

This article is supported by the Judith Neilson Institute for Journalism and Ideas.The Conversation

Liam Petterson, Assistant Editor, Health + Medicine, The Conversation

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons licence. Read the original article.

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