Seniors unprepared for the end

New research from Advance Care Planning Australia (ACPA) reveals that 70 per cent of older Australians leave no instructions in the event that they are unable to make their own medical decisions. 

Funded by the Australian Government, this landmark study was recently published by BMJ Open and is the largest and most comprehensive study into the prevalence of Advance Care Directives in Australia.

The study involved reviewing de-identified health records at the point-of-care in 51 Australian hospitals, aged care facilities and GP clinics, across six states and territories.

The study found that approximately 30 per cent of people reviewed had an Advance Care Directive – of which some had documented their preferences for care, others had appointed a substitute decision-maker – a person legally empowered to make decisions on their behalf – and some of whom had done both.

“With Australia’s ageing population, it’s concerning that most older Australians are leaving it to chance and not taking active control of their future healthcare,” said ACPA medical director Dr Karen Detering.

“Without a plan, older people may be left vulnerable and potentially without a voice. And far too often, loved ones are left to blindly make decisions under the worst circumstances. As a medical practitioner, I’ve witnessed these scenarios and I can tell you it’s a heart-breaking way to say goodbye to your loved ones.

“The research findings are a great starting point for us to better understand the Australian advance care planning landscape. This valuable baseline data will be used to inform policy in advance care planning, which is becoming an increasing healthcare priority,” explained Dr Detering.

To increase public awareness, ACPA’s National Advance Care Planning Week initiative runs from 1–5 April 2019, encouraging all Australians to make sure their care preferences and values are heard and respected.

Do you have an Advanced Care Directive? Have you empowered someone to make medical decisions on your behalf in case you can’t do it yourself?

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Ben Hocking
Ben Hocking
Ben Hocking is a skilled writer and editor with interests and expertise in politics, government, Centrelink, finance, health, retirement income, superannuation, Wordle and sports.


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