Seven facts to know about the body

Our bodies are complex machines that toil around the clock to make sure we can work, rest and play. So, when you’re not paying attention, what exactly goes on in your body? These seven facts may surprise you.

1. Teenage years dictate your height
Puberty is the most rapid development of growth a person’s body will ever experience. By the time they are 14 or 15, girls will have reached their adult height. For boys, this occurs at around 17 or 18.

2. Your body is ‘normal’
There are a number of factors that influence the size, stature and shape of a person’s body. Gender, race, nutrition during early years, exposure to physical activity, childhood illness and chromosomal abnormalities all play a role. There’s no ‘normal’ body type and no single recipe for good health.

3. We are basically water
Our bodies are full of water – approximately 55 per cent, in fact. The average adult woman is 50 per cent water, while a man is about 60 per cent. All the body’s cells contain some water, though the amounts vary, depending on the type of cell. This means proper hydration is essential. It’s recommended that we drink around two litres of water per day.

4. How much blood?
Blood is our life force and makes up about seven per cent of the weight of the human body. At any one time, your body contains about five litres of blood. In a single day, human blood travels approximately 2km. The body can stand to lose about 15 per cent of blood volume before it becomes life-threatening.

5. Nerves connect the body to the brain
Your nerves help your brain and body to communicate. Nerves are essential for sending signals to our brains when our bodies are in pain or have sustained damage.

6. Health issues can be visible or invisible
When the body sustains injury or develops illness, the signs of these can manifest visibly or invisibly. Changes in size, shape, colour, feeling or function may all be signs of health issues.

7. It’s not about ‘burning’ fat
When it comes to weight loss, it’s not just a matter of burning fat. Adults keep the same number of fat cells throughout their lives. These cells simply shrink or expand with weight loss or weight gain.

Do you have any other facts about the body you would like to share?

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Amelia Theodorakis
Amelia Theodorakis
A writer and communications specialist with eight years’ in startups, SMEs, not-for-profits and corporates. Interests and expertise in gender studies, history, finance, banking, human interest, literature and poetry.
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