The five-minute travel workout

Shaun T is passionate about helping people improve their lives through his range of fitness, strength, nutrition and lifestyle programs. He has spent his life developing fitness programs for people – some of which only take 5–25 minutes a day to do – and he has seen some seriously good results. You only have to look at him to see that.

This short video is but one of his many five-minute workouts. These short, sharp and energetic routines take five minutes a day and can be done regardless of where you are, making them ideal travel workouts.

If you’re on holiday, fitness may not be a priority, but for those who take their fitness seriously enough to not have a break when they’re off the beaten track, this short fitness program will help you stay on track.

You can find more of Shaun T’s five-minute workouts, as well as many other fitness programs, at, his Facebook page or on his YouTube channel.

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