These health foods have a dark side

We’ve all heard it before, thrown around by health channels and doctors, ‘all things in moderation’. But the truth to this nutritional go-to may be more important than you’d think. Here are six superfoods to watch out for.

Everyone knows that eggs are good for you … right? Packed with protein, amino acids, vitamins and good cholesterol, eggs have major health benefits for your whole body. But don’t let this superfood fool you; they are high in calories. The over-consumption of eggs has been linked to diabetes, poor heart health and even cancer. Healthline recommends eating no more than three whole eggs each day.

Like many fermented foods, pickles are packed with probiotics that aid digestion and gut health. A recent study has also found that eating pickles can potentially help to reduce social anxiety and depression. Pickles can also help to fight spleen cancer, lower blood sugar, help restless legs, and if you’re brave enough to drink pickle juice it can help soothe muscle cramps. However, pickles are high in sodium, are acidic and can cause bloating, stomach upset, ingestion and even increase blood pressure if consumed too frequently.

Coffee has a number of surprising health benefits including lowering your risk of developing type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, stroke, liver disease as well as prostate and breast cancer. Two cups of coffee a day has also been shown to reduce the rate of erectile dysfunction in men. While it is usually safe to consume up to four cups of coffee each day, drinking any more can have some serious adverse side-effects. Having too much caffeine can cause stomach upset, diarrhoea, an increased heart rate, restlessness, nausea and even insomnia.

Avocados are known to help prevent heart-related diseases, lower ‘bad’ cholesterol, relieve arthritis and may even prevent cancer. They contain fibre, antioxidants and more potassium than bananas. However, even though the fats in avocado are unsaturated, eating too many can lead to weight gain.

Some good news for all you chocoholics out there, chocolate may be benefiting more than just your taste buds. Cocoa has been shown to reduce blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart attacks, stroke and can even lower blood sugar. However, milk chocolate is high in sugar content and can lead to weight gain if overconsumed.

Nuts are loaded with antioxidants, nutrients and fibre. They have been shown to extend your life when eaten daily by reducing your risk of heart attack and stroke, lowering cholesterol and aiding weight loss. However, most studies showing the benefits of eating nuts relate to nuts without added ingredients, so your favourite salted cashews might not be giving you all the benefits you’d hoped for. They are also high in fat, so if you tend to go back for a second or third handful, they may cause weight gain.

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Health disclaimer: This article contains general information about health issues and is not advice. For health advice, consult your medical practitioner.

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Liv Gardiner
Liv Gardiner
Writer and editor with interests in travel, lifestyle, health, wellbeing, astrology and the enivornment.


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