Grey is the new black

For years the tendency to reach for the hair dye the minute the first grey hair is spotted has blighted men and women the world over. However, it’s often the prospect of ageing rather than the grey hair which is so frightening.

We pefer to take a different approach to ageing and realise the importance of embracing our later years, which are more than often than not, the best of our lives. Positive ageing needs to start with wholly accepting who you are and all the good things that come with getting older, such as the odd grey hair. But if those middle-age years saw you reaching for the hair dye, just how do you get back to you natural, greying hair without having to suffer unattractive roots?

The first way to get back to your own hair colour is to simply cut it really short. Not such an issue if you’re a male but for women, their hair is often a reflection of how they feel about themselves and a short back and sides may not be that flattering. One thing women can consider is a more layered look, which enables the newly emerging grey hair to merge with the dyed hair as it grows out. Frequent trims and a shorter style such as a bob will also help.

Another thing to consider is highlights. A good colourist can gauge your natural hair colour and weave in a few strategically placed highlights to cut through the one-dimensional dyed hair. All good salons will offer this service for free and if it’s a modern operation, it may also have a computer program which can show you how your hair will look.

While professional hair colouring can be expensive, it’s important not to try colouring your hair at home. If it’s already dyed, then there’s no way to gauge how the new colour will react to the colour you already have.

For some, having a full head of grey hair isn’t such a frightening prospect but perhaps you’re at that awkward half and half stage. As strange as this may seem, a few grey highlights will help your hair look more even and blended. Working with the pigmentation in your natural hair is much easier than hair that has already been coloured and you should be happy with the result.

There are also products on the market which cover only some of the grey hair, giving you a more natural ‘salt and pepper’ look. It doesn’t contain ammonia so it’s kind to your hair and keeps it really shiny as well. This is a tonal hair colour which fades rather than grows out, so there are no unsightly roots. However, the application needs to be repeated every six weeks or so.

All you need to do now is invest in a good shampoo and conditioner which is made for greying hair and your hair will look fantastic!


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