What your sleep position says about you

What do our sleeping positions say about us?

Well, if I’m flat on my back, snoring, I’ve gone to bed having drunk a minimum of three glasses of wine.

If I’m fully dressed, then I’m really drunk.

If I’m facing my wife, I’m hoping to get lucky, and if I’m facing away, it’s one of the other 364 days of the year.

And that’s pretty much it because I’m physically incapable of getting into too many other positions.

I’m 66, have two dodgy knees and a little excess flesh, can’t get my hands behind my head because of a shoulder complaint, I don’t curl up into a foetal position because my legs will cramp, and my back doesn’t like it if I lie too long on my stomach.

But if you do some research, you’ll find there are plenty of people who claim to know what your preferred sleeping position says about you.

The UK’s Sleep Assessment and Advisory Service says the most common sleeping position, especially among women, is the foetal position.

People who like this position are described as having a hard shell, with a tough exterior but a soft inside, according to the Science of People website. “Those who find comfort in this natural position can be described as having a hard shell: tough on the outside, but a huge softy on the inside. They typically are shy when you first meet them, then tend to open up and relax quickly,” it says.

Lying on your side with your arms by your side is called the Log. The 15 per cent of people who prefer this position are described as “social butterflies. Although they are friendly, carefree and popular, these social, trusting people are known for being gullible.”

Sleeping like a Starfish – spread out all over the place – is a good thing, the experts say. “Starfish sleepers always are eager to lend an ear or give a helping hand to their friends in need. They don’t necessarily like being the centre of attention, but don’t mind if they find themselves there from time to time.”

Pillow Huggers cherish relationships, while those who sleep with hands on their chin – the Thinkers –experience emotional ups and downs.

The Stargazers lie on their backs with their arms wrapped around their head. They are said to make their friends a priority and do anything in their power to help those they hold dear to them. “People who sleep in this position tend to have a positive, ‘happy-go-lucky’ outlook on life.”

Then there’s the Freefallers – those who prefer to sleep on their stomachs with their arms wrapped around their pillow and head turned to the side. Freefallers are said to be bold and sociable on the outside, but typically don’t have the thick skin to deal with criticism or absurd situations.

And finally there are the Yearners, those who like to sleep on their side, but have their arms stretched out in front. “People who sleep like this are a little complicated: they are open-minded, yet cynical; slow and suspicious when making a decision, but stick to it once their minds are made up,” says the Science of People.

As for whether there’s a healthiest sleeping position, it seems unanimous that on your back is easily the best.

This allows your neck and spine to rest in a neutral position. Facing the ceiling is also said to be ideal for warding off acid reflux, or heartburn as we better know it.

It is, however, the most conducive position for snoring.

Oh, and don’t get into the habit of sleeping without a pillow because for most sleeping positions, a pillow assists alignment. 

What is your favoured sleeping position? Does it match your personality type, according to the ‘experts’?

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