A coalition of chefs wants you to stop cooking with gas

For decades, ‘natural gas’ has sold itself to families as the fastest, most efficient way to cook. But now there’s a battle for your kitchen stove, and a push to get you to embrace electric for your health and for the planet.

A coalition of chefs, doctors, climate scientists and real estate developers have joined forces to push back against the gas industry’s marketing, with the aim of removing gas from kitchens worldwide.

Campaigners say in addition to heating the climate, gas stoves contribute to asthma and other health conditions.

And that coalition thinks that if they can rid kitchens of gas, they’ll rid homes of the fossil fuel altogether.

The Global Cooksafe Coalition is being launched in Sydney today and announcing partnerships with developers Lendlease and GPT, who have agreed to stop putting any gas in new buildings by 2030 and to retrofit existing buildings by 2040.

“Our view is that the future is all electric, whether it’s electric vehicles, whether it’s cooking, whether it’s space heating,” said Davina Rooney, chief executive of the Green Building Council, and one of the founders of the Global Cooksafe Coalition.

Davina Rooney holds a clipboard and smiles in a room filled with plants.
Davina Rooney says removing gas from homes is a key way for Australia to meet emissions reductions targets. (Supplied: Green Building Council)

The group was convened by member organisations including the Green Building Council of Australia, The European Public Health Alliance and the Climate Council.

Its launch partners are developers GPT and Lendlease, which together are responsible for more than $100 billion in development assets and funds under management.

Crucially for the developers involved, the launch was endorsed by top Australian chefs Neil Perry, James Edward Henry, James Lowe and Analiese Gregory.

“People don’t have an emotional relationship with the heat pump, but they care about how the family cooks and lives,” Ms Rooney said.

“That’s why it’s so important to have leading chefs out talking about why induction cooking is better for families, better for cooking, better for the planet.”

Danielle Alvarez wearing a stripy shirt and dark apron, laughing and chopping slices of fresh pasta.
Danielle Alverez says induction stove technology has improved, and is now the best option for kitchens. (Supplied: Danielle Alvarez)

One of the chefs backing the project is Danielle Alverez, who was the head chef at two-hatted Sydney restaurant Fred’s until this year.

She says now that induction stove technology has improved, it’s by far the best option for kitchens.

“It’s faster, it’s cleaner, it’s less hot in terms of heating your space,” Ms Alverez said.

Health risks front and centre

The Global Cooksafe Coalition puts the health risks of gas cooking at the centre of their pitch.

According to a 2018 paper published in the Medical Journal of Australia, 12 per cent of the burden of childhood asthma in Australia is due to indoor gas stoves.

And a 2013 paper combining the results of 41 other studies found children living in a home with a gas stove had a 42 per cent increased risk of having recent asthma symptoms.

There is also evidence that the pollutants released by gas stoves can affect the brain and heart, and increase susceptibility to allergens, said Kate Charlesworth, a public health physician and member of the Climate Council.

“I think a lot of parents would be shocked to learn that a child living with gas, cooking in the home has a comparable risk of asthma to a child living with household cigarette smoke,” Dr Charlesworth said.

Brett Heffernan, the chief executive of gas lobby group Gas Energy Australia, argued there was no link between gas use in kitchens and asthma.

Mr Heffernan linked to a large 2013 study that did not find a link between cooking with gas and asthma.

Dr Charlesworth pointed out a larger and more recent meta-analysis combined the results of dozens of papers and included a reference to the 2013 paper cited by Mr Heffernan.

A man uses chopsticks to rotate a hunk of meat in a frypan on an induction stovetop.
Chefs say induction stove technology has improved. (Supplied: Unsplash/Louis Hansel)

But the Global Cooksafe Coalition is also motivated by climate concerns.

Methane, the primary component of gas, is a powerful short-lived greenhouse gas which has more than 80 times the climate-warming power of carbon dioxide over 20 years.

“Australia has just committed to 30 per cent methane reduction by 2030 as part of a global coalition. This is a key way for us to move that forward,” Ms Rooney said.

The ask

Stoves are not the biggest driver of gas use in homes, with heating and hot water the larger drivers.

But the gas industry has long emphasised the benefits of gas cooking with ads emphasising how “clean” and “controllable” it is.

Australia’s gas lobby, the Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association (APPEA), promotes gas cooking through a PR campaign it calls Bright-r.

A portrait of Ann Austin smiling.
Ann Austin, the head of sustainability at Lendlease Australia, said switching to electric cooking was a relatively easy move. (Supplied: GSCC Network)

It includes a whole cooking show called The Chef’s Secret.

APPEA was approached for comment but it declined.

Both the climate movement and the gas industry see decisions about how to cook as crucial.

“The gateway decision for whether you electrify or not is often down to cooking, even though it’s a smaller part of the emissions,” Ms Rooney said.

Lendlease said joining the Global Cooksafe Coalition made sense.

The company has been trying to reduce its absolute emissions to zero by 2040, and electrifying everything is a relatively easy move, said Ann Austin, head of sustainability at Lendlease Australia.

“The pathway for decarbonising our kitchen is pretty simple, to be honest,” she said.

“It’s just about choosing to go down that path.”

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  1. “Methane, the primary component of gas, is a powerful short-lived greenhouse gas which has more than 80 times the climate-warming power of carbon dioxide over 20 years.

    “Australia has just committed to 30 per cent methane reduction by 2030 as part of a global coalition. This is a key way for us to move that forward,” Ms Rooney said.”

    All good stuff but hugh problem in the broader scheme of things is that the worlds biggest polluter , China. has just signed up with Quatar for a 27 year gas supply deal. Yes , that’s right, 27 years of gas supply and China has “developing country exemption ” for GHG emissions and will also most likely be a financial recepiant of the COP27 “rich counrties givaway fund ” woth billions., of which Australia has , on taxpayers behalf commited as much as the cost of the NDIS.!!!
    Makes you wonder where the balance is and just who is screwing who in all this.
    Yes, lets move to alternatives with a sence of urgency but also not be led blindly and naively into a a financial commitment we can ill afford with a growing” cost of living emergemcy” now upon us.

  2. This climate change rubbish is getting out of hand. We have gas ducted heating, cook with gas and hot water is gas. Which genius in government is going to pay for all my gas appliances to be switched to electricity? Not Grinning Bowen nor Dictator Dan. As a pensioner, I just think governments are forgetting about people. Costs of living are rising and will continue to if electricity is the only form of heating and cooking. As for electric cars and abolishing petrol-running cars in 2025 is just plain stupid and costly. About time some sense is being shown now. I’m not anti-climate change completely, but some structured thinking and costing need to be done before we all go broke.

  3. There is so much wrong with this push that it’s difficult to know where to start.
    An easy one is that anyone who seeks to link cigarette smoke to health issues really doesn’t know what they are talking about. There have never been any definitive studies that linked passive smoking to adverse health outcomes. It was always only “opinions” and no objective studies were presented.
    That this is coming from a member of the Climate Council speaks volumes as this certainly not an unbiased participant. Agenda? What agenda?
    Whilst fugitive methane may be a possible “green house gas”, the best way to remove it from the equation is to burn it and convert it to useful components of the atmosphere in the form of life stimulating carbon dioxide and water while cooking a delicious meal or heating your washing water or heating a cold house.
    This push for induction cooking is somewhat stupid as many houses that presently cook with gas would need an expensive upgrade to the house wiring system to cope with a significant increase in power demand to the kitchen. Plus many would have to change much of their cooking utensils as ceramic. glass and aluminium pots and pans do not work with induction.
    Of course property developers would support the deletion of reticulated gas systems in their new housing estates as that system of underground piping costs money. Money is more important to their bottom line than convenience to the new home buyer.
    With the push to electric cars, when this is combined to all of the cooking on electric ranges, come the evening when all are connecting to the Grid and demanding supply, the Grid will stagger and be unable to meet the demand without major (expensive) upgrades in the network and increases in (expensive) storage and supply. Fortunately Australia will still have a few coal and gas power plants contribution for a couple more decades to come.

  4. I can add that even if all domestic and commercial cooking were to cease using gas this year, it would make absolutely no difference to concentrations of “green house” gasses in the atmosphere either in this hemisphere or the northern hemisphere. And especially no difference at all to the climate and the weather driven by it.

  5. Induction cooktops are expensive. I’m in Tasmania and I have all electric which is common for most of the state. Having moved from the mainland where I was used to both gas and electric cooking. I was never in a position to afford an induction cooktop. Pure luxury.

  6. Sorry, More. I have been cooking for myself in excess of 50 years and I have never got used to electric cooking. There is just no control over the heat. You bring water to a rapid boil, add ingredient (rice, veg, whatever) and the water goes off the boil and takes forever to recover. It is just hopeless. I have a 2 burner camp cooktop and gas bottle for cooking several things, especially steaks. Watch the elitist professional chefs and see the food wasted when they empty a bowl into a pan. Be so nice not to have to care.


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