Don’t let this summer stink

With the weather finally warming up the first signs of summer are here. It’s time to pack away heavy winter coats, boots and wear fewer layers. Summer dressing is arguably a lot easier and less time consuming than working out what to wear during the colder months.

There is one obvious downside though. Hotter weather means hotter bodies and, while it may not be glamorous, it’s only natural that we sweat more in summer. So how do you combat tainting your favourite clothes and shoes with sweat stains and unwanted smells? We’ve got a few tips to keep you smelling sweet this summer.

Whether you’re wearing sneakers or flat shoes, closed shoes in summer can often end up smelling pretty undesirable. Try to wear socks/sockettes where possible and make sure these are 100 per cent cotton so the feet can breathe as much as possible.

After you take your shoes off at night place a dry tea bag (doesn’t matter which variety) in each of your shoes. The tea bag will absorb any lingering odours so your shoes are left stink-free!


Panty liners
So there are dedicated shields you can buy now to stop sweat patches, but a thin panty liner will also work. Simply attach to jackets or long sleeve tops under the arm and the panty liner will absorb wet patches. Make sure it’s firmly attached though so it doesn’t make any embarrassing appearances.

Stain removers
Got an ugly yellow sweat stain on your favourite white top? Try any of the following to remove it:

Aspirin: crush two aspirins and mix with ½ cup warm water. Soak the stained part of the garment in the solution for two to three hours.

Salt: four tablespoons of salt dissolved in one litre of hot watcr makes a powerful solution against yellow stains. Simply sponge the item until the stain disappears.

Lemon: squeeze a lemon and mix the juice with an equal part of water before scrubbing away at the sweat stain.

Vinegar: pour a small amount of white vinegar directly onto the stain and rub it into the fabric before washing as normal.

Not just for drinking, vodka is a nifty way of removing odours from clothes, like those under the arms of jackets and coats. Transfer some vodka into a spray bottle and spray the garment on both sides at the site of the odour until the fabric is saturated. Leave overnight and in the morning the offending smell should be gone. It is a good idea to patch test on an inconspicuous area of your garment first.

Do you have any other tips to add to have a sweet smelling summer?

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