How to spring clean your wardrobe for a new season

Spring is here. The plants know it and – hopefully – you can feel it. It’s time to think about sorting your wardrobe to make the most of limited space, particularly as we change seasons.

Your clothes deserve to be seen easily, and they need to be able to breathe and not get crushed and left to fall onto the ground. It’s so annoying when you get something out of the wardrobe and you need to press it again before you wear it.

Here are a few ideas to help make your clothes more accessible within your wardrobe space to create some calm out of the clutter. And who knows, you may even make some space to buy some more.


The best way to create space is to donate or throw out any items you aren’t wearing and aren’t likely to wear. Sort your clothes into three piles; donate, throw away or keep. Be realistic, if not brutal about your chances of wearing a pair of pants you haven’t fitted into since the start of a the decade. It’s just creating clutter.

Change your ways

Let’s work on the season. We’re heading into spring, so it’s time to move most of your autumn/winter to the back of the wardrobe, or if you are lucky enough to have a spare room, it’s a good idea to move all these wintery pieces into the wardrobe of the spare room.

If you don’t have the luxury of a spare room, then you can store your clothes in vacuum-sealed storage bags and place them into a suitcase. This will protect your clothes from dampness and also moths. The suitcase can then safely be stored in the garage until you need to change out your wardrobe again. You will find that by doing this, you will have a lot more space to work with.

Care for your clothes

Now that we have made some space in the wardrobe, it might be time to invest in some of these non-slip hangers that will help to prevent your clothes from slipping off and falling to the bottom of the wardrobe. Instead of hanging your knitwear and tees you may like to consider using a dedicated storage unit for these items and for shoes and accessories. They don’t take up too much space, but they have the capacity to hold many pieces, and they also give you great visibility.

Storage spaces

Most of us have enough drawers for things like our underwear, pyjamas and hosiery, but you may like to consider some wicker baskets for extras such as summery scarves and belts, or even your shoes. These storage baskets are easy to get into, and because they have lids, you can easily stack them.

Priority pieces

When it comes to hanging your clothes, your favourite pieces should be given priority hanging space at the start of the wardrobe.

Organising your closet will take some time and much thought, but once it’s done, you will be set for a whole season. It will make such a difference to the way you approach your selection each day, as everything that you own will be clearly visible to you. Just the fact that you will be able to make quicker and easier decisions each morning is a strong motivator for an overhaul of your wardrobe space!

Are you good at clearing out and sorting your wardrobe when the seasons change? Do you have a good system? Why not share your thoughts and tips in the comments section below?

Also read: It’s spring! Time to get a start on spring gardening jobs

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