These ‘mum myths’ have been repeated time and again down the generations. We look at a few of them, and ask experts to reveal the truth.
Going to bed with wet hair will give you a cold
Although it won’t feel nice to lay your wet head on a pillow at bedtime, it definitely won’t give you a cold, no matter what anyone says.
“Catching a cold this way seems to be the most commonly spread myth among mums,” says GP Dr Natalia Bogatcheva.
She explains that a common cold may be caught if someone with a cold sneezes or coughs near you, and cold viruses can also be transmitted via bodily fluids, but stresses: “Wet hair has got nothing to do with it!”
Going to bed with wet hair may, however, damage your hair, and Dr Bogatcheva adds: “One of the issues that may arise is that you can get scalp infections if the skin is kept moist for long periods of time, and wet hair also breaks easily, so may lead to hair damage long term.”
Going out without a coat on will make you ill
Similarly to the wet hair myth, being cold itself won’t actually give you a cold – it’s being exposed to a virus that can make you ill, explains Dr Babak Ashrafi. But he continues: “Cold weather often leads to exposure to viruses, as you’re likely to remain indoors, and some viruses benefit from reproducing in colder, dry weather.”
Some studies also show the immune system may find it harder to fight off illness during a cold spell, he adds.
Cracking your knuckles causes arthritis

Caroline Aylott, head of research delivery at Versus Arthritis, says: “The simple answer is there’s no evidence to support cracking knuckles leads to arthritis.”
Dr Ashrafi agrees, explaining: “When you crack a knuckle or one of your joints, the sound comes from bubbles bursting in the synovial fluid. Many find relief in cracking joints, but it won’t directly lead to arthritis. “
He points out there are many different types of arthritis, and osteoarthritis can have links to cracking knuckles, but stresses: “This is largely genetic and age-related.”
Eating crusts makes your hair curly
It’s a nice idea, but curling tongs would do a better job than crusts, say the experts. “If you’re looking to make your hair either curly or even more curly, unfortunately, eating crusts will not help,” says Dr Ashrafi. “While the crust may contain more nutrients than the bread itself, no evidence points to them causing you to gain curls.”
Sitting too close to the TV will damage your eyes
Your mum may have told you you’d either get ‘square eyes’ or damage your vision forever if you sat too close to the TV as a child. “But this isn’t true,” stresses Dr Ashrafi. “Excessive exposure to screens will only lead to eye strain, as opposed to permanent damage.”
To prevent eye strain, take breaks when watching TV or looking at screens for long periods, and get your eyes tested regularly, he advises.
Eating cheese before bed gives you nightmares
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Your mum may have told you that eating cheese at bedtime gives you nightmares, but it isn’t really true, Dr Ashrafi observes. “Medical experts agree this is an urban myth, and no real evidence points to cheese giving you nightmares,” he says.
Some cheeses, such as brie or blue cheese, may keep you awake or alert, as they contain tyramine, which causes the brain to produce stress hormones, he explains, but stresses: “There is no real direct link between eating cheese and having nightmares.”
Eating carrots will help you see in the dark
This is an urban myth thought to stem from World War II, but Dr Ashrafi says: “Eating carrots will unfortunately not repair your eyesight or suddenly allow you to see in the dark any better. “
However, he points out that carrots are high in vitamin A, which is good for your vision, as it helps the conversion of light signals which are sent to the brain. “So, while it may not cure issues with eyesight, carrots are still a healthy and cost-effective option as part of a balanced diet,” he adds.

You shouldn’t swim straight after eating
Dr Ashrafi says there’s truly no safety concerns about swimming straight after eating, although he points out: “Many argue that a full stomach prevents the blood flow within your body, or causes cramp. But if you were to experience a stomach or muscle cramp, this would be unpleasant, as opposed to a real danger.
“It’s up to you to decide whether you feel fit to swim after having a meal – listen to your body.”
Chewing gum takes seven years to digest if you swallow it
Dr Bogatcheva says: “This one always makes me smile, and as a mum of a young child, I fully understand why the myth continues to circulate. I think it’s been a scare tactic adopted to create a myth that it will sit in the stomach for years, with the hope that it’ll put some kids (and adults) off chewing the gum in the first place.
“The truth is, the chewing gum – once swallowed – is safely passed through the intestines intact and will not cause any damage – unless, of course, a huge quantity is swallowed and, if clumped together, could lead to an obstruction of the bowels in very young children.”
Had you heard any of these mum myths before? Do you have any others to add? Let us know in the comments section below.
Also read: Five sunburn myths you need to stop believing
– With PA