What your aura says about you

Aura readings are popular among those interested in knowing more about the mystical and colourful light that surrounds living beings. An in-depth reading can give you insights into your spiritual energies and how they’re affecting your life.

However, if you don’t have the opportunity to have a professional reading, here’s how to decipher what yours might say about you.

What is an aura?

An aura is a field of subtle, luminous radiation that surrounds a person or animal. It is often seen as a colour field and is said to be associated with the emotional and spiritual state of a person.

“Anything alive has an aura,” Kathryn Grace, founder of Aura Shop, an aura reading shop in Santa Monica, California, told mindbodygreen. The different colours of your aura are thought to provide insight into your emotional and spiritual wellbeing.

While Ms Grace says it’s not always possible to see aura colours with the naked eye, we can usually feel them. Think about your friends and how they make you feel when you’re around them. Or cast your mind back to when you’ve felt a negative energy radiating off a person; that’s the aura at work.

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How to figure out your aura colour

You can get your aura read, photographed or maybe even see your own.

If you’re extra intuitive, you can try to see your own colours by gazing softly at a point on your body and focusing on clearing your mind and taking deep breaths. Or try rubbing your hands together for a few seconds before slowly pulling them apart and seeing if colours appear.

The more you practise this, the better you’ll become at seeing the energetic field around your body.

Here’s a quick aura quiz if you’re curious about what your colour might be.

What the colours mean

Aura colours do change over your life as they reflect the energy you give off and how you’re feeling at that specific time. But it’s typically dominated by one or two main shades that represent your baseline personality and tendencies.

Each aura colour has a unique meaning and each one correlates with one of the body’s seven chakras.


Red represents an energetic and fiery personality. If you have red in your aura, you’re likely typically quick to put thoughts into action and rarely read instruction manuals when it comes to setting up something new.

Red relates to the root chakra, which is the driving force that gives us the energy to live our daily lives and accomplish physical achievements.

If you have a lot of red in your aura, it means your root chakra is stable and unblocked. 

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An orange aura is associated with the sacral chakra, representing the emotional body and sensuality. Overall, an orange aura represents creativity and intense energy.

If you have orange in your aura, you’re likely action-oriented and fast-moving. You could have the tendency to rush into things such as projects, relationships and adventures and may find you learn lessons from experience rather than theory.


Generally speaking, yellow auras have many of the same associations as the colour yellow itself: bright, happy, sunny and cheerful. People with yellow auras are typically pleasant to be around, with an ability to lighten the mood and are often interested in intellectual pursuits. Yellow is the colour of the solar plexus chakra, which deals with your identity and confidence.

If you have yellow in your aura you likely have a magnetic personality that attracts lots of different people.


The green aura relates to the heart chakra and is associated with love, compassion and forgiveness. An aura that is dominant in green indicates a particularly open heart – so setting and sticking to boundaries is important. Those with green in their aura likely enjoy music, nature and the freedom to roam.


Pink also relates to the heart chakra so those with a lot of pink are likely kind, caring and loving. Similar to green, seeing pink is a sign that your heart chakra is open and receptive. Celebrate your kind and compassionate nature but remember the need for boundaries.


Blue auras are often associated with calm, sensitive personalities, but there can be many different shades. If you have a blue aura, your energy likely has something in common with the sky and the sea, but just like these elements, it might be still or choppy, bright, or cloudy.

A blue aura is a sign of a powerful mind. It’s related to the throat chakra, which governs communication, expression, and truth.

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People with purple auras are tapped into their emotions, they tend to be highly sensitive, intuitive and a little more introverted than those with bolder colours.

Purple relates to the third eye chakra which is associated with intuition. If you have purple in your aura, you may be very empathetic but also prone to indecisiveness.


The indigo aura is one of the most unique colours in the aura spectrum. If you have indigo in your aura, you are likely a powerful and driven individual with a creative vision and empathy for the world.

Indigo is related to the crown chakra that governs awareness and intelligence, an indigo aura typically represents a deep understanding of themselves and others.


A white aura is a sign of a quick mind, a tendency for perfectionism and nervous energy.

Generally speaking, white auras will appear bright and glowing and they also relate to the crown chakra.


If you see black or very dark areas in your aura, you’re likely exhausted or fatigued. In this case, take some time to ground, heal, and balance your energy levels to brighten up that aura a bit, and bring your energetic field and chakras back into balance.

Have you ever had your aura read? What’s your aura colour? Let us know in the comments section below.

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Ellie Baxter
Ellie Baxter
Writer and editor with interests in travel, health, wellbeing and food. Has knowledge of marketing psychology, social media management and is a keen observer and commentator on issues facing older Australians.


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