Mind Your Own Retirement Episode 30

In episode 30 of Mind Your Own Retirement, Deeksie and Kaye are joined by Josh Funder from Household Capital. He says that the banks have ‘abandoned retirees’, and explains the importance of ageing at home, how reverse mortgages work, and the unique challenges faced by this generation of retirees.

He then explains to Deeksie and Kaye how Household Capital can help to double your super at retirement, allowing retirees to draw upon the value of their family home without sacrificing their super or Centrelink.

For more information on Household Capital
Website: www.householdcapital.com.au
Phone: 1300 471 784
Facebook: @HouseholdCap
LinkedIn: @Household-Capital
Twitter: @HouseholdCapit1

For more information on EveryAGE Counts visit www.everyagecounts.org.au

Australian Government Department of Human Services clickthrough to Centrelink, Medicare and Child Support visit: www.humanservices.gov.au

Australian Government disaster recovery assistance
call:180 22 66 or visit https://www.disasterassist.gov.au/Pages/home.aspx

Insurance Council of Australia
24-hour hotline: 1800 734 621 or visit: https://disasters.org.au/

Dr. Marlene Krasovitsky, Campaign Director of EveryAGE Counts, a National coalition campaign against ageism, explains the negative impacts of ageism, including employment discrimination.

She shares her extensive knowledge from her time at the Australian Human Rights Commission where she was the Director of the National Inquiry into Employment Discrimination against older people and people with disability. Finally, she shares some simple and subtle ways we can combat ageism in our everyday lives.

Kaye shares essential information about how Centrelink may be impacted by the bushfires and what help is available to those affected. She then winds up the episode by telling us what our YourLifeChoices members want to see in 2020.

YourLifeChoices Writers
YourLifeChoices Writershttp://www.yourlifechoices.com.au/
YourLifeChoices' team of writers specialise in content that helps Australian over-50s make better decisions about wealth, health, travel and life. It's all in the name. For 22 years, we've been helping older Australians live their best lives.


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