Mind Your Own Retirement Episode 52

The start of a new financial year is a great time to review our household expenditure. How and where we save money is critical in retirement and retaining affordable insurance can be a challenge. On YourLifeChoices’ Mind Your Own Retirement podcast today, Deeksie and Kaye quiz NobleOak CEO Anthony Brown on ways retirees can ensure they are adequately covered. 

Find out more about retaining affordable insurance at www.nobleoak.com.

YourLifeChoices members have been enjoying Rebecca O’Hearn’s great styling tips for several months. Today, she totally nails it by sharing ways we can ‘dress slimmer’ to disguise any COVID lockdown bulges. And she also gives Deeksie invaluable feedback on his bri-nylon Gloweave shirt!

More tips and advice can be found at www.smartcasualclassic.com.au.

Are you ready to hit the road and travel? We are, although parts of Victoria are in lockdown and will have to dream for a while longer. We’re thrilled to have Tourism NT’s Tony Quarmby on the show, revealing his personal hidden gems in the Territory – and no, guess again, we’re not talking Kakadu, the Alice or Darwin! We love talking to the experts to give you the lowdown on money, health and travel in an easy-to-listen format, so grab a cup of coffee and settle back for some Sunday fun. 

Start planning your NT holiday by visiting www.northernterritory.com.

YourLifeChoices Writers
YourLifeChoices Writershttp://www.yourlifechoices.com.au/
YourLifeChoices' team of writers specialise in content that helps Australian over-50s make better decisions about wealth, health, travel and life. It's all in the name. For 22 years, we've been helping older Australians live their best lives.


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