Retirement village rentals

Life in a retirement village is an attractive proposition for many Australians but the cost of buying can be restrictive. Renting is an option to consider but how do you find a suitable village?

Q. Phileppa
At 68 years, I am considering selling my home to have the funds to travel overseas and to return to Australia and rental accommodation in a retirement village atmosphere.

Garden Villages has single and double rental accommodation units, mainly in large country areas like here in Goulburn but I would prefer to be closer to my family in Sydney.

Are there other retirement villages in Australia which offer rental (with a small, refundable bond) rather than buy-in?

A. The Retirement Village Association has useful information on its website, which you can access by clicking the link below. This will give you details of all the villages that are in your area. It also has the contact details of state offices, which should be able to put you in touch with those in your area that deal with renting properties in retirement villages.

You may also wish to try the search function on It’s your life, which enables you to look for rental options.

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