How much money should we have? How long will we live? How much can we spend? The questions about retirement income just keep on coming. And because no one has a crystal ball, some questions have no definitive answers.
Undeterred, in this December edition of the Retirement Affordability Index™, we go in search of useful solutions by offering information that can help shape your strategies in retirement.
With knowledge comes confidence. So with the feedback from YourLifeChoices members and the information you generously provided in our surveys in 2019, we aim to fill any gaps in your knowledge.
First up, we investigate what the experts say about our spending patterns in retirement. Does spending really taper off as we age or do some expenses, such as healthcare, keep piling on the pressure?
Retired actuary John De Ravin tells how to take the guesswork out of retirement spending by applying his rule of thumb to your particular retirement tribe, and The Australia Institute senior economist Matt Grudnoff explains whether we can factor those ever-increasing living costs into our planning.
Our friends at Challenger, meanwhile, explain how to calculate the level of spending your savings can safely support and personal finance specialist Noel Whittaker comes to the rescue to help ensure our ‘typical’ retirees have structured their retirement as well as they possibly can.
As always, we bring you up to date with the latest cost-of-living increases and how they affect each of the six retirement tribes and provide a budget planner so you can track where your money is going. And finally, the government update keeps you informed ahead of expected developments that might affect your retirement in 2020.
Of course, we’d love your feedback on this edition – email [email protected] and put RAI in the subject field. Now settle in and digest this Retirement Affordability Index™ so you can get ahead of the curve in 2020 – ready now in ebook format or to download in PDF format.
Retirement Affordability Index™ December 2019