Top tech that will help keep you at home longer

Houses that learn which heating and lighting you need. Home-help drones and pet-sitting robots. That’s where technology is heading within 20 years, according to a report compiled by home and tech experts. Here’s what you can look forward to.

Home drones
Drones will be our home helps, says tech analyst Ben Wood, and will be able to monitor the temperature and air quality throughout the house.

Home apps
Just like new cars, which can provide information about performance, technical problems and fuel consumption, houses of the future will be able to give useful insights into their condition, status and performance via an app.

“We’ll be able to check our energy use, energy losses, if a window is open, monitor our appliances all in one place – and book an engineer via this app or check if they can fix something remotely, be it our dishwasher or solar panels,” says architect Piers Taylor.

Read: Top five apps to keep you safe

Tech-enabled home care
Care and health in the home will be a huge feature in the coming years, says Mr Taylor, who predicts movement detectors and heat sensors in floors will recognise if someone has fallen and will notify carers, as well as tech to remind residents to take medication.

“A home for life will also take on a new meaning, as it will have been designed to grow with us and adapt as our needs change, or when we get older,” he says. “The future is tremendously exciting.”

No more switches
Fixtures, furniture, lighting and heating will automatically and intelligently adapt to the household’s learned preferences, say experts. “In dedicated working spaces, lighting will be automatically optimised according to the amount of natural light on a particular day or the work being done,” adds Mr Wood.

Read: Floors that feel, ovens that snitch

Smart heating
Homes of the future will use energy more efficiently, says Mr Taylor.

“Power will be generated onsite by photovoltaics that are a fraction of the size they are now and similarly we’ll be able to share energy with other family members who live remotely from us. Plus, ‘intelligent’ glass will know when to shade and screen out the summer sun and when to let in the winter sun to warm up our homes.”

Read: Expert predictions for high-tech homes of the future

Pet-caring robots
Worried about how much your dog will miss you when you’re out? Experts predict broadband-powered robots will help keep your pets company. They will be able to entertain, feed and provide company for lonely animals when their owners are out.

Which of these advancements most excite you? Which type of tech would you like to see in your home? Why not share your thoughts in the comments section below?

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