Can you trust Facebook friends?

Kaye’s friends have alerted her to Facebook using her name to promote products and she wants to know what she can do about it.


Q. Kaye
A company is advertising on Facebook that I am endorsing their company when I have not offered any such endorsement. Family and friends are phoning and questioning me about these advertisements liking the company. The company never asked if they could use my name to promote their business. I don’t know how this has happened. Is this even legal? How do I get them to remove my endorsement? Should I contact them directly and ask them to remove it?

A. What has most likely happened in this situation is that you have liked one of the company’s posts at some stage in the past, which then allows Facebook to use your endorsement for having liked the post which is still being promoted.

Because of this action, if that post is shown to one of your friends, Facebook shows that you liked the post. Unfortunately, the company has no control over the posts that you have liked and cannot remove your likes from any post.

That means you will have to login to Facebook and locate the posts you have liked and unlike the specific posts that are causing you trouble.  

On your Facebook profile page, below you image you will see ‘…’, if you click on that and select ‘Activity Log’ from the drop-down menu, it will take you to a screen with a long list of months and years.

If you tap one of the dates you will see a log of all your activity on Facebook for that particular date range.

Then you can click on the filter button near the top of the screen so that it only shows the posts that you have liked in that date range. You can also use the filter function to search only for the name of the company that you are worried about.

To unlike something, tap the little down arrow on the right side of an item, then tap ‘Unlike’.

This should stop the promotions for that company appearing in your name in future.

Have you ever had an issue with Facebook attaching your name to a product that you don’t support? Do you trust Facebook? Do you trust recommendations from Facebook friends?

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Ben Hocking
Ben Hocking
Ben Hocking is a skilled writer and editor with interests and expertise in politics, government, Centrelink, finance, health, retirement income, superannuation, Wordle and sports.


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