Five tips for organising photos on your phone

In the age of smartphones, capturing special moments is as easy as a click. But as our photo collections grow, it can become a bit overwhelming to find the right picture when we want it. 

Here are five easy tips to help you organise your photos on your phone without the hassle.

Create folders for different events or people

Think of your phone as a virtual photo album. Just like you would organise printed photos into albums for different occasions, you can create folders on your phone for various events or people.

For example, you can have folders for birthdays, holidays, or specific family members. This way, when you want to find a particular photo, you can go directly to the relevant folder.

Regularly delete unnecessary photos

It’s easy to accumulate a lot of photos over time, including ‘clutter’ photos such as duplicates and blurry shots.

Periodically go through your photo gallery and delete the pictures you no longer need. This not only frees up space on your phone but also makes it easier to locate the photos that matter most to you.

Use descriptive file names

When you save a photo, give it a descriptive name. Instead of leaving it with the default filename (usually an unidentifiable set of letters and numbers), use names that tell you something about the picture.

For instance, if it’s a photo from your brother Steve’s birthday, name it something like ‘Steve_Birthday_2023’. This makes it easier to identify photos at a glance, especially if you’re searching for specific memories.

Take advantage of built-in apps

Most smartphones come with built-in photo organising apps that are user-friendly such as the Photos app on iPhones or the Google Photos app on Android phones.

Take some time to explore these apps and their features. They have tools for sorting photos by date, location, or even by people’s faces.

Back up your photos regularly

Imagine losing all your precious memories because you accidentally drop your phone and damage it. To avoid this, make sure to back up your photos regularly.

You can use cloud services such as Google Photos or Apple iCloud. These services automatically save your photos, keeping them safe even if something happens to your phone.

Tag your photos

Consider using tags to add keywords or labels to your photos. Tags are like virtual labels that help you categorise and search for specific photos easily.

For example, if you have photos of a recent holiday, you can tag them with keywords like ‘beach’, ‘family’, or the location name. This way, when you want to find photos related to a specific tag, you can quickly locate them.

By incorporating tagging into your photo organisation routine, you add another layer of convenience when it comes to retrieving cherished memories.

Do you take a lot of photos on your phone? Do you ever delete any of them? Let us know in the comments section below.

Also read: Common phone battery myths debunked

Brad Lockyer
Brad Lockyer
Brad has deep knowledge of retirement income, including Age Pension and other government entitlements, as well as health, money and lifestyle issues facing older Australians. Keen interests in current affairs, politics, sport and entertainment. Digital media professional with more than 10 years experience in the industry.
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