Got something to sell? Try Facebook

Cashing in on the increase of buy and sell pages on its site, Facebook is now taking on eBay and Gumtree with its own Marketplace.

According to Facebook, more than 450 million people now buy and sell goods through community hubs and selling groups, so why not make the most of the obvious need?

If you’re looking to buy something, it’s as simple as clicking on the Marketplace icon to find out what people nearby have to offer. If you’re looking for something specific, then you can apply a filter, such as household goods. You then either save the item to allow you to think about buying it, or contact the seller via direct message to agree a price and arrange to have it delivered or collected.

And selling is pretty simple too. All you have to do is upload an image, give a description and price, confirm your location and post. Then sit back and wait for the messages to flood in.

Facebook doesn’t facilitate payment for goods and, currently, the service is free.

With spring cleaning well and truly underway, why not clear those cupboards and earn yourself a few extra dollars? To find out more, visit Facebook’s Marketplace.


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