Handy household hints

Don’t you just love it when, after years of struggling to work out the most efficient ways to do things, someone comes along and shares a trick that makes it all so much simpler? Well, here are a few snippets of wisdom I’ve been told in my time.

Handy vacuum hints

  • the Carpet and Rug Institute recommends replacing or emptying your vacuum bags once they are half to two-thirds full. It may seem like a waste of a bag, but your vacuum will work better and it will last longer
  • for bagless vacs, an empty cup will always perform better than one only one-third full, so it’s best to clear it out after each use
  • if you need to vac behind a fridge or some hard-to-reach space, use an empty paper towel or wrapping paper roll and bend or flatten to reach difficult spots.


Things besides clothes that you can wash in your washing machine

  • mop heads
  • stuffed toys
  • small plastic toys
  • silicon oven mitts and pot holders
  • small rugs and mats
  • pillows
  • running shoes
  • shower curtains
  • canvas backpacks
  • cloth shopping bags
  • dog beds.


Dishwasher mistakes to avoid

  • always close the detergent cup when you start a wash. If the cup is left open the detergent goes straight down the drain without even touching your dishes
  • adding extra detergent won’t clean your dishes any more than the prescribed amount, it will just leave a film on them instead
  • scrape your dishes before you put them in the dishwasher, otherwise you’ll end up with food over everything
  • ensure that handles, knives or other utensils don’t hang below the bottom rack, otherwise your sprayer won’t spin
  • if you have hard water, add two teaspoons to your dishwasher detergent to help soften it
  • put the hardest-to-scrub items on the bottom rack closer to the jets.


Handy kettle hints

When it comes to boiling water, electric kettles are 50 per cent more efficient than a stovetop. So to make the most of yours just follow these three handy hints:

  • when boiling, only fill it with as much water as you need. That way you’ll save money on power and water
  • always turn your kettle off at the wall when not in use
  • clean your kettle every month with vinegar solution to remove any limescale.


If you’ve got any you’d like to add, or you can do any of these things better, please share them with us in the comments. After all, sharing is caring!

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