Dame Helen Mirren’s travel tips

Dame Helen Mirren is a frequent traveller, but don’t let her glamorous façade trick you into thinking she doesn’t know how to get in touch with the locals and travel on a dime. Here are a few of her top tips for those with an adventurous spirit.

Get a good travel agent
Having someone to help you plan your trip, who who can help you out should things go awry, and who can help ease the stress or organisation, is “absolutely essential”, Dame Helen told Travel Weekly.

Visit a local supermarket
You might be surprised just how much the contents of supermarket shelves can tell you about local life. What people eat and how much they pay is an easy way to compare local life to your own, plus you might discover a local delicacy or two. 

Cold weather travellers get thrifty
There’s nothing worse than arriving at a destination only to find yourself in danger of frostbite. At the same time, carrying bulky winter clothes around with you can be a hassle and can mean paying more for luggage. Dame Helen recommends heading straight to an opportunity shop or thrift store where you can pick up weather-appropriate clothes for a bargain. She also suggests giving them a wash and returning them to the store when you leave, so the cycle can continue. 

Would you take these travel tips from the one and only Dame Helen Mirren? What would you suggest to other travellers?

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Liv Gardiner
Liv Gardiner
Writer and editor with interests in travel, lifestyle, health, wellbeing, astrology and the enivornment.
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