10 smallest European countries

Are you looking for places to add to your bucket list? Or would you rather do some armchair travel? How about visiting – in reality or virtually – these 10 smallest countries in Europe?

1. Vatican City
At 0.44km2, Vatican City is not only the smallest country in Europe, but it is also the smallest country in the world. Located within Rome and famous for being the home of the Pope, it has a population of just over 800 people.

2. Monaco
Also the second smallest country in the world, this 2km2-sized nation is situated in French Riviera, on the Mediterranean Sea, and has a population of around 35,000. This makes it the most densely populated country on the globe.

3. San Marino
A microstate within Italy, San Marino is 61km2 in size and has a population of around 30,000. Despite having an extremely small economy, it is one of the wealthiest countries in the world in terms of GDP (per capita).

4. Liechtenstein
Liechtenstein is situated between Switzerland and Austria. This 160km2 piece of land is home to about 35,000 people. German is Liechtenstein’s official language, and it is famous for its many private banks, as well as the fact that is has more companies than people.

Malta is made up of seven tiny islands, sitting between Sicily and the North African coast. At 316 km2, it is also the tenth smallest country in the world, with a population of just under half a million. Malta is known for its fine crafts, particularly its handmade lace, hand-woven fabrics, blown glass and silver filigree.

6. Andorra
Located in the Pyrenees between France and Spain, the Principality of Andorra is 468km2 in size with a population of under 100,000. The official language is Catalan, and it is known for its tobacco.

Luxembourg occupies 2586km2 of land between Germany, France and Belgium. While most official written correspondence is in French, German is the first language taught in schools. Did you know that Luxembourg has won the Eurovision Song Contest five times (in 1961, 1965, 1972, 1973 and 1983)? An achievement only surpassed by Ireland.

8. Cyprus
At 9251 km2, this island country is in the Mediterranean and has a population of around 1 million. Cyprus is known for its romantic legend of Aphrodite, the ancient goddess of love and beauty, and is considered the island of love.

9. Montenegro
With a population of around 600,000 and a land size of 13,812 km2, Montenegro shares borders with at least four other nations – Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Albania, and Croatia – and is known for its plethora of natural splendours.

10. Iceland
Iceland is known as “the land of fire and ice”, and is an island country with a population of just over 300,000 within an area of 103,000km2. Iceland is known for its multiple natural wonders: geothermal spas, volcanic activity, Aurora Borealis (northern lights), stunning mountains and national parks.

Of the 10 smallest countries in Europe, Iceland is definitely on my bucket list. What’s on yours?

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