Robert De Niro and Roger Federer square off over Switzerland

Roger Federer, recently appointed ambassador for Switzerland Tourism and one of tennis’ greatest players, has recruited the one of history’s greatest actors to star in a new campaign promoting Switzerland.

In the promo, Federer, a self-confessed non-actor, tries to entice Hollywood great Robert De Niro to promote all that Switzerland has to offer.

De Niro wants no part of it.

“Switzerland is just too perfect,” ” he tells Federer. “Look at where you are – your mountains, your ski resorts, your charming little towns … There’s no drama, no drama at all … I need an edge, conflict, jeopardy!”

Read more: Unknown fun facts about Switzerland

The former world number one player then offers some options to add that missing drama, “How about the two of us on a special mission? We ski together … we even go skydiving …”

De Niro still says no, to which Federer acquiesces.

Then De Niro drops a massive and rather unexpected F-bomb, but you’ll have to watch the video to find out why!

The ad ends with either a cheeky nod to one of Hollywood’s nicest guys or a sneak peek into who may be the next superstar to team up with Federer.

De Niro says the country is just too perfect and the people too nice for an actor who has built his reputation in roles playing someone not so nice.

“Maybe call Hanks,” De Niro sneers.

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The ad was shot last autumn in Zermatt, Switzerland, and New York in the US.

Earlier this year, Federer became the official ambassador for Switzerland Tourism.

“To be able to promote the country to which I owe so much and in which I still live fills me with pride,” he said back then.

Switzerland Tourism seems happy with the arrangement, too.

“Switzerland Tourism and Roger Federer are the perfect match, because Roger has been recharging his batteries here all his life,” said Andre Hefti, head of marketing at Switzerland Tourism.

What do you think of the ad? Would you like to visit Switzerland? Or have you already been?

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