Travel to connect with your emotions

How do you choose where to go for your holidays? Travelling to match your emotions could help ensure you pick a satisfying destination.

From joy to serenity, exhilaration or reflection, we have come up with some destinations that might best match how you are feeling.

Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
This is Canada at its simplest and most beautiful, with endless opportunities to view wildlife, spot whales and hear the birdlife, as well as taking side trips to remote seafaring communities. With green valleys, amazing coastal scenery, iconic red and white lighthouses, craggy mountains and the ancient Viking settlement at L’Anse aux Meadows, now a World Heritage Site, there is always plenty to enjoy.

Aarhus, Denmark

Denmark is a world happiness superpower, consistently ranked in the top three in the United Nation’s World Happiness Report and locals consider Aarhus, the country’s second-largest city, much happier than Copenhagen. The locals are friendly and will happily share their secrets about their favourite beaches and forest beer gardens.


Anyone who has seen the animated movie Madagascar knows the place is teeming with unique animals and wildlife. In fact, 80 per cent of the species on the island are found nowhere else on earth – including birds, chameleons and, of course, the lemurs. Trek through the forest reserves, paddle a canoe through the mangroves and watch whales and dolphins off the coast. Night walks bring you closer to rare nocturnal species, and jungle treks reveal mongoose, fossa and the eerie, whale-like songs of the lemurs. The island is an unspoiled melting pot of cultures set on a fantastic combination of landscapes.

Hawaii, United States of America

Geological events that are still taking place continue to shape the dramatic landscape. Hawaii Island grows every year as lava from Kilauea volcano cools in the sea. Hawaii is also home to Mauna Kea, a mountain that is considered among the best star-gazing destinations on the planet.

Lake Como, Italy

With the snow-covered Alps in the background, Lake Como is one of the most picturesque lakes in the world. Lake Como has been a popular retreat for aristocrats and wealthy people since Roman times, and is a very popular tourist attraction with many artistic and cultural gems.

Great Barrier Reef, Australia

Go deep under the sea and explore the world’s largest reef system on a scuba trip to Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, one of the world’s seven natural wonders. If you haven’t got up close and personal with this wonder yet, or it’s been a while since you last did, then this trip is one worth moving to the top of your bucket list.

Pontresina, Switzerland

Whether you want to travel in winter to take advantage of the skiing or prefer to go in summer and hike the magnificent Pontresina mountains, with more than 500km of trails it is easy to avoid crowds and perfect for rest and reflection.

What destinations do you think suit certain emotions? Where would you recommend?


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Ben Hocking
Ben Hocking
Ben Hocking is a skilled writer and editor with interests and expertise in politics, government, Centrelink, finance, health, retirement income, superannuation, Wordle and sports.
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