Where you should travel in 2022, according to your star sign

There are some people who believe in horoscopes and others who believe that they are cursed. The last two years we have attempted this column has been a futile exercise, with not many options for following through on the advice we have given, save last year’s tip for Aquarians to visit Melbourne.

This year, fingers crossed, international borders should reopen and after two years without thinking about travel, you might want some astral advice on where you should go.

So, here YourLifeChoices presents your ideal travel destination by your star sign.

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Capricorn (22 December – 19 January)
This year is a big year for your spending, and after years of saving on international travel, why not? The ideal time for you to splurge on a big trip overseas is November, and we reckon Sweden is the perfect place for you this year.

This is one of the coldest times to visit Sweden, but if you love snow and want to take in some of the best vantage points for the northern lights, then this is the right time for you to travel.

Aquarius (20 January – 18 February)
We certainly hope that you took our advice last year as the only star sign that was able to reach their destination. Hopefully, we get it all right this year. We’ve also got something a bit more exciting in store for you in 2022, with the stars suggesting that this is a good year to go big.

We suggest Belgium in September. The weather is starting to cool, but is not too cold and there are fewer tourists, making it easier to visit the country’s main tourist attractions hassle-free. There are also a number of festivals taking place in September, with none more interesting than the Belgian Beer Weekend.

Read: National Geographic announces best of 2022 travel list

Pisces (19 February – 20 March)
The time when you are likely to have the most money to spend is in December, which makes for an awfully long wait before your ideal time to travel. That being the case, you will want to make sure your trip is magical.

There are few places as magical as Santa’s kingdom, so we are suggesting a trip to Finland. While you would have to be a fan of cold weather to make this trip, you could always warm up in a Finnish sauna after you have visited some of the best spots in the world to see the wonder of the northern lights.

Aries (21 March – 19 April)
You can rule out travelling in the first half of the year, with finances probably best suited to travelling in December as well. Independent, energetic and unable to sit for long periods, Aries people also need to be on the move. 

We reckon a trip to England’s Peak District with its various hiking opportunities might be the perfect place for your next holiday in 2022.

Read: Get a taste of Girona – Spain’s most delicious city

Taurus (20 April – 20 May)
The perfect time to reward yourself just happens to be around your birthday, with the stars suggesting travel in May would be just right for you. And Sweden provides the ideal location.

The spring temperatures are perfect and while it is still a busy time to travel, the prices are still typically lower and the crowds smaller than during the summer, even though most of the summer activities are still on offer. While it is the wrong time of the year to see the northern lights, you may still be able to witness the midnight sun, which is in intriguing phenomenon.

Gemini (21 May – 20 June)
Geminis are adaptable, curious and can fit into any scenario in which they find themselves. On the flipside (as the Gemini sign suggests) they can become bored quite easily. You won’t be bored with our suggestion this year, however, we will test the limits of your adaptability with a trip to Palestine. The Lonely Planet travel guide writes that “the West Bank is not the easiest place in which to travel but the effort is richly rewarded”.

Cancer (21 June – 22 July)
Feel like a trip to Europe, but still going somewhere a little bit different? We reckon Luxembourg might just fit the bill for you this year. The place is packed with museums and historic castles and there are some amazing hiking experiences for the more energetic and adventurous, which is what we generally expect from you.

Leo (23 July – 22 August)
This is the year to reward yourself with the trip of a lifetime, with November the perfect month for you to set sail. I won’t lie, it is hard not to let a little bit of self-interest lead the way when it comes to this star sign. I was denied a trip to Malta in 2020 due to the pandemic and I think Malta shapes as the perfect destination for us Leos this year. Fingers crossed we get to make it.

Virgo (23 August – 22 September)
June is the month you are going to really want to look after your mental health, and the best way to do that might be to try to get away from a cold winter and get some sun in your life. That will require a trip to Europe, and we can think of no better place to recharge your batteries than heading off to France.

Libra (23 September – 22 October)
You will want to do your major travelling early in the year, ideally before May. That doesn’t give you a lot of time to get planning, especially as we reckon a trip to England will be perfect for you this year. We are thinking that visiting Kent and the white cliffs of Dover might be a delightful trip, which also leaves open the option of crossing the channel for a trip to France, if you feel like a two-country trip.

Scorpio (23 October – 21 November)
This is a year of transformation and big change for Scorpios. That doesn’t really help us in the search for a destination, but Scorpios need a mix of nature and convenience to truly unwind and Portugal seems like it will fit the bill nicely. The perfect place to relax is on the Portuguese Riviera, one of the most luxurious destinations in the world.

Sagittarius (22 November – 21 December)
Of all the horoscope travel advice we provide, we seem to get it most wrong with Sagittarians. In 2020, we suggested Sweden, the location of one of the biggest outbreaks of COVID-19, then last year we suggested South Africa, the place where the Omicron variant was first discovered. As a result, we are going to try to play it safe this year and find a location unlikely to be affected by a rampant new strain of the virus. Let’s go for one of the world’s most populated places in New York City. What could possibly go wrong?

Are you interested in travelling to the destination assigned to your star sign this year? Why not share your thoughts in the comments section below?

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Ben Hocking
Ben Hocking
Ben Hocking is a skilled writer and editor with interests and expertise in politics, government, Centrelink, finance, health, retirement income, superannuation, Wordle and sports.
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