Diana’s death a theme-park ride

For A$36 you can now see a re-creation of Princess Diana’s death in a bizarre attraction at a US theme park.

Guests of the National Enquirer Live in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, can view a 3D remake of Diana’s fatal car crash, where she died alongside her Egyptian boyfriend Dodi Fayed and driver Henri Paul. Visitors can even vote on whether or not they think the royal family, British Intelligence or any number of conspiracy theories were to blame for her death.

It was a tragedy that shocked the world, but that hasn’t stopped park owner Robin Turner from trying to cash in on it.

“It’s a 3D computer model, and you’re looking down on what looks just like Paris, but it’s three-dimensional,” he told The Daily Beast.

“And it shows the pathway as she left the Ritz hotel, and the paparazzi chasing her, and the bang-flash that we think blinded the driver – and how it happened.”

Mr Turner says the exhibition will be sensitively handled.

“There’s no blood. There’s none of that. You see the car crash through computer animation,” he explained. “It’s not in poor taste.”

“It brings attention to the different theories behind it that the Enquirer has covered over the years,” he said.

He also says he hopes the attraction does not upset Princes William and Harry.

What do you think of such an attraction?

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