Embrace the staycation

With ever-changing quarantine laws, travel restrictions, and social distancing protocols, booking an overseas trip at the moment is like playing a sun-soaked version of Russian roulette. The situation may be different by the time you’re ready to leave, or perhaps worse when you’re trying to come back. This is where a staycation comes in.

If you’re not sure what we’re talking about, a staycation is where you take a holiday in, or close to, your own home. Some travel domestically and stay in a hotel or serviced apartment, others spend a bit of time and money transforming their home into a sanctuary for a week or so.

You should focus on enjoying all that your home and nearby surrounds have to offer. A staycation is not about doing chores or answering work calls from home – it should be a chance to unwind and relax, without forking out for expensive flights and spending hours getting to the destination.

So, here’s why the foreign foray is overhyped anyway, and staycations can be the saviours of summer.


1. They offer a sense of security
In this era of ever-changing regulation, it’s quite nice to go on a holiday you know you can come back from – and without the plan-ruining shackles of quarantine. International and state borders are fickle creatures, and if you don’t play with fire, there’s no chance of getting burned.

2. Our choices are limited
There are many of us eager to visit family and loved ones spread across the globe. So, while we all hope that travel restrictions will improve sooner rather than later, it’s looking likely that international travel will be affected for quite a while. Even when limitations are lifted around the world it’s probable that we will be faced with a whole new travel experience. Social distancing rules will mean limited numbers allowed into attractions, possibly bigger queues in airports and longer waits for public transport.

Travelling domestically, once allowed, will likely be the easier option. Carving out some time to enjoy yourself at home, easier still.

3. We need something to look forward to
Many people have fallen into the habit of considering travel a necessity in life, not a luxury. Planning a staycation and letting everyone know that you will be on holiday during this time will give you something to look forward to. Getting away from normal life and experiencing something new is a very positive, if not essential, thing to do. You should be relieved to know that with a little imagination and planning, you can still achieve this experience this year, maybe just a bit closer to home.

4. Staycations can be stress-free
While we may be craving a change of scenery, it still needs to be manageable and easy to handle to avoid any extra stress during this time. A staycation in a private rental can allow you to stick to government guidelines whilst getting a much-needed break. Some research beforehand will allow you to choose a place with access to appropriate activities like walks, or somewhere to enjoy the sunset with a glass of wine. Using private transport to get to the location will also allow you to arrive with everything you need during your stay and avoid unnecessary trips to shops and markets.

5. Fewer international tourists
The international travel ban means the big popular tourist sites will have fewer visitors. This could be your chance to enjoy a local attraction without having to jostle for position. Socially distanced queues and fewer tickets to go around will offer a slower experience for you to take everything in and enjoy it.

6. You can help the local economy
Whether you’re staying at home or visiting a different part of your country, why not research some locally owned cafes, shops and restaurants to try. Tourism supports so many small businesses and many have been badly affected by the new rules.

7. It makes you appreciate what you’ve got
The grass isn’t always greener on the other side of the sea, and there’s something strangely appealing about discovering the delights on your doorstep. Distance does not equal interest, and the tourists visiting your country might have a point.

8. You can bring the dog
True, you could condemn Fido to a carry-cage in the hold for the duration of your flight overseas, but he’d probably rather spend a week eating cat food in a thunderstorm. If he can manage a car, he can manage a staycation, assuming your destination has a reasonable supply of walkies.

Do you think you would enjoy a staycation? Have you ever tried one? Will you be staying at home or travelling locally this summer?

With PA

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