Field of Light artist reveals next display at Kings Canyon

A new immersive light and sound installation, Light-Towers, will illuminate the Discovery Kings Canyon Resort in the Watarrka National Park from April 2023.  

Thirty years on from his first visit to the Red Centre, acclaimed British/Australian light artist Bruce Munro has partnered with Australia’s largest regional accommodation provider, the G’day Group, to bring his immersive sound and light installationto King’s Canyon.

Due to open in April 2023, Light-Towers, will become Mr Munro’s second Red Centre work, following Field of Light at Uluru, which has received international acclaim since its installation in 2016.

Mr Munro said that it was during his first visit to the Red Centre, in 1992, that a tip from a fellow camper led him and his wife Serena to discover the wonders of Kings Canyon in the Watarrka National Park.

Read: Field of Light: Avenue of Honour

“Our first trip was memorable because the road was unmade and we wondered if we had been sent on a wild goose chase, but thankfully it was just as it had been described,” Mr Munro recalled.

“I was astounded to see fossils of a seabed at the top of the gorge – the notion that Australia was under the sea was and still is mind blowing. The Red Centre really puts geological time into perspective and shows us how small and short our lives are. Every time I visit, I learn new things and it’s an infinite natural resource of inspiration.”

Consisting of 69 two-metre towers that change colour in response to music emanating from within them, Light-Towers, will take guests at the iconic Discovery Kings Canyon Resort on a captivating and immersive aural and visual journey.

G’day Group chief executive officer Grant Wilckens said that the installation would give domestic and international visitors another reason to visit Kings Canyon, following the recent completion of the first stage of $22 million in planned works at the property.

Read: Uluru’s light fantastic

“The installation of Light-Towers is a way of celebrating G’day Group’s growing footprint and continued investment in the Red Centre, as well as a commitment to showcasing thought-provoking arts and culture as part of our property’s offering,” Mr Wilckens said.

The logistics of the operation to bring the installation to the remote Red Centre will involve collaboration of Mr Munro’s team of four, alongside a group of volunteers and members of the G’day Group team. Installation will begin in early 2023.

Light-Towers was originally created and exhibited in 2010 within the Cloisters of Salisbury Cathedral, Wiltshire, in the United Kingdom.

Have you visited Field of Light? Will you be making a trip to see Light-Towers? Why not share your thoughts in the comments section below?

Ellie Baxter
Ellie Baxter
Writer and editor with interests in travel, health, wellbeing and food. Has knowledge of marketing psychology, social media management and is a keen observer and commentator on issues facing older Australians.


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