Five ways to declutter your suitcase

Consultant, author and tidiness expert Marie Kondo has told that the secret to decluttering your suitcase is learning to fold clothes properly and to only pack items that bring you joy. However, it’s fair to say that those of us still aspiring to be decluttering gurus may need more specific tips. Here are five ways to declutter your suitcase.

Pack the right way
Travelling with a decluttered suitcase starts with how you pack it. Along with Marie Kondo’s advice of only packing items that bring you joy, checkout our definitive guide to travel packing and be aware of what to avoid in these common packing pitfalls. It’s important to make a list of all the things you’ll need and intend to pack. This way you can’t be tempted into bringing unnecessary items you see in your wardrobe while packing. 

Get a plastic pocket notebook
They’re cheap to buy and hardly take up any space. If you like to keep a hard copy of your reservations, bookings and tickets, this is the easiest way to store them. As you acquire documents on your trip, simply slip them in. This makes them easy to find, reduces stress, and saves you from having seemingly random papers floating around your suitcase.

Learn to fold your clothes properly
The way you pack your clothes can determine both how much spare space you have and how many wrinkles you wear. For example, when packing a dress, lay it down flat and fold it lengthways before folding it once again in the other direction. Now roll it up. This saves space and also makes it unlikely to wrinkle. For more advice, checkout our wrinkle-free packing tips.

Use packing organisers
I’ve had packing cubes recommended to me so many times I have to eye roll whenever I hear them mentioned. But as much as I used to doubt them, after giving them a go on my most recent trip to Europe – with carry-on only luggage – I can’t recommend them enough. They help keep things organised, making them easy to find and maintaining neatness.

Plan for presents
Whether it’s presents, memorabilia or more weather-appropriate clothing, you’re likely to return home with at least a few items that you didn’t leave with. Use the idea of these things to motivate you into being more selective while packing, ensuring that there is space for those things you will acquire along the way.

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Liv Gardiner
Liv Gardiner
Writer and editor with interests in travel, lifestyle, health, wellbeing, astrology and the enivornment.
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