Globus inspires Aussies to ‘check in to check out’

If you’re like me, it only takes seconds to be inspired to travel.

And in 30 seconds, the new Globus Family of Brands (GFOB) promo will have you inspired, too.

The Check In To Check Out campaign celebrates international travel being back on the table for Aussies, encouraging them to escape the ordinary and reconnect with the world.

“This campaign is all about getting back to the check-ins we love and inspiring travellers to rediscover the world we have been waiting to see again,” says GFOB managing director for Australasia Gai Tyrrell.

“The campaign videos bring back what it means to ‘check in’, getting Aussies excited to remember what it means to truly check in across the globe, and check out the breadth of adventures on offer with GFOB’s itineraries.”

How long until you’re packing? Why not share your travel aspirations in the comments section below?

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