Northern Territory first to offer vaccine incentive

This week, one of Australia’s tourism bodies ventured into uncharted territory: offering discounts to fully vaccinated travellers.

The Northern Territory government’s campaign, the NT Summer Sale, offers $200 discounts on every $1000 spent on accommodation, flights, tours, car hire and attractions.

The maximum amount you can save is $1000 per person for travel booked between 1 October 1 2021 and 31 March 2022.

Read: Which is the most-approved vaccine for international travel?

It’s likely that other tourism companies will soon follow in the NT’s footsteps to encourage more Aussies to travel interstate rather than hop on a flight overseas.

The incentive is essentially a 20 per cent discount, a similar campaign hosted last year saved visitors a combined $2.3 million.

This year, though, the discount is only available to fully vaccinated Australians from non-hotspot locations. You can find out if you’re located in a hotspot, as determined by the NT Government, here.

Read: Five best Northern Territory Airbnbs

NT tourism and hospitality minister Natasha Fyles said incentivising travel for vaccinated Australians was about protecting Territorians and other visitors to the NT and rewarding those doing their bit to counter COVID-19.

“We want people coming to the territory, [but] we want them coming safely,” she said.

“We don’t want them to come in and potentially be unwell and be a burden on our health system.

“This is an incentive – it’s not saying you can’t come to the territory if you’re not vaccinated.

“But the NT government is putting its money where we believe good public policy is, by saying if you’re vaccinated, you’re eligible for this significant discount.”

Tourism NT’s executive director of marketing, Tony Quarmby, said the territory was the best place to be this summer.

Read: Hidden gems of the Northern Territory

“Summer is an exciting place in the Northern Territory, and we know there are many people around the country that haven’t had the chance to book a holiday, to experience something new, or go somewhere different,” he said.

“With the tourism industry heavily impacted by the global COVID-19 pandemic and border restrictions, we’re encouraging Australians to come to the NT this summer and have the adventure of a lifetime.”

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Ellie Baxter
Ellie Baxter
Writer and editor with interests in travel, health, wellbeing and food. Has knowledge of marketing psychology, social media management and is a keen observer and commentator on issues facing older Australians.


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