The one companion you need

It’s been a while since I travelled with a little blue book. While Lonely Planet is synonymous with the bible when it comes to travel, I find that its popularity has been the kiss of death, with many places they unearth subsequently becoming tourist traps to be avoided at all costs. There’s no disputing they know their destinations, accommodation, eating and drinking, but seasoned travellers don’t want to find themselves touring a new city with every other man and his guidebook.

That said, their latest guidebook is one I would invest in. Released in January, The Solo Travel Handbook is the perfect guide for anyone who ever hits the road alone. Travel can be scary by nature, pushing us outside our comfort zones and into new and unfamiliar territories, and solo travel only amplifies those feelings. Packed with tips and advice for before and during your travels, The Solo Travel Handbook gives you the confidence and know-how to explore the world on your own, whether you’re planning a once-in-a-lifetime adventure or short city break.

Designed to combat the idea of travelling alone as something that holds you back from living out your dreams, the handbook has been pulled together by Lonely Planet’s expert travel writers. The book covers the basics of everything from deciding where to go, planning your itinerary, budgets, organising money, flight and accommodation deals to choosing the right luggage and packing. There’s also seasoned advice when it comes to overcoming travel worries, meeting fellow travellers, befriending locals and staying safe, happy and healthy while away.

With a focus on how and why individual travel is such a valuable and rewarding experience, the handbook also ranks the best destinations for road-tripping, food, nightlife, culture, island escapes and more, as well as how to fund your travels while you’re away.

Featuring beautiful images throughout, The Solo Travel Handbook is the companion every independent traveller has been missing out on until now.

RRP: $29.99 from Lonely Planet

YourLifeChoices Writers
YourLifeChoices Writers
YourLifeChoices' team of writers specialise in content that helps Australian over-50s make better decisions about wealth, health, travel and life. It's all in the name. For 22 years, we've been helping older Australians live their best lives.


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