Sticking to a diet when travelling

Being out of your comfort zone can make dieting almost impossible, especially if you struggle with it in general. But being in a country that offers fabulous food can make dieting all but impossible. Just try to stop yourself from eating that real Parisian pain au chocolat on a fine French morning, or those big fat Buffalo wings at that diner in downtown Denver. As I said: almost impossible.

But with a bit of planning and willpower, there are some tricks you can incorporate into your travel itinerary to help keep some mass off your midsection. So, without further ado, here they are.

1. Pre-holiday dieting

No one wants to hear about a pre-holiday diet, but if you want to test out every taco in Tijuana and not tip over from overeating, you can – you just have to cut back on the calories a little bit before you leave. According to expert dietician Julie Upton, a good rule of thumb is to diet two days for every one day you’ll be away on holiday.

2. Stop eating when you’re full

It sounds obvious right? But too many tourists fall for the old ‘I need to stuff myself’ routine, then pay for it dearly at the other end the next day. Figuratively and literally. The simple fix? When you’re full just stop eating. Having an extra portion won’t make your midday munch any more memorable.

3. Take control of your meals

When you’re travelling it can be tempting to eat out for every meal, even if the hotel in which you’re staying has a fully functional kitchenette. Not only can constant dining out add up in the dollars department, it can also add to your waistline.

Instead of eating out every day, try finding grocery stores that offer pre-packed salads, or bring foods with you that you can cook in your room or on a public BBQ at the park. This way you’ll have better control over your portion sizes and the calorie content of the food you eat.

4. The distraction diet

If you find yourself waiting around at some stage on your journey, say, at the airport when a flight is delayed, or at the shopping centre whilst your partner hunts for bargains, don’t make a beeline for the food court. Instead, find a healthier distraction, such as going for a walk. Even checking your email or deleting the umpteen-thousand photos on your phone for an hour will distract you from your hunger pangs and before you know it, it will be dinnertime.

5. Avoid alcohol

Going on holiday is usually a good excuse for getting stuck into the cocktails. But put those calories on top of the three-course meal you just ate, as well as the snacks that kept you going during the day, and the dessert you’re thinking of demolishing after dinner, and you have all the makings of a diet killer.

If you want to have a tipple, try distilled spirits with sugar-free mixers and avoid summer cocktails, as they are amongst the highest calorie beverages available.


Do you have any suggestions for how to stick to a diet whilst travelling? Why not share them with our members?

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