Take advantage of the exchange rate

There are many things to consider when trying to keep a holiday under a set budget, but few people consider a destination to capitalise on the exchange rate.

The Australian dollar is quite strong at the moment, but it performs better against some countries than others; and if you make the right choice, you can save quite a bit of cash.

Here are some of the best destinations to take advantage of the strong Aussie dollar.

1. Indonesia
The Australian dollar always performs well against the Indonesian Rupiah. This is why Bali is such a popular tourist destination for Australians. That start of this year has seen the Rupiah fall consistently against the Australian dollar. If you think Bali is just for young people, you might like to try a visit to Jakarta, Lombok or Lake Toba.

2. Argentina
Since the middle of 2013, the Australian dollar has tripled in value against the Argentine Peso, currently buying nearly 16 pesos compared to less than five. The strength of the Australian dollar gives you the opportunity to explore the dramatic Iguazu Falls or many of the other attractions. If you plan on visiting more than one country while you are in South America, try and book as many of your trips as possible using Argentina as your base.

3. Norway
With much of Europe on the Euro it is no longer very easy to take advantage of the exchange rate, but Norway is one of the few exceptions. In the middle of 2013, the Australian dollar bought 5.29 Norwegian Krone, and at the time of writing an Aussie dollar bought 6.18 Krone. There has never been a better time to witness the Northern Lights and enjoy some Scandinavian hospitality.

4. United Kingdom
Towards the end of 2015, the Aussie dollar was battling against the pound, but it has now bounced back and at time of writing bought 0.567 pounds. Not only is that great for those planning on travelling to Old Blighty, it also ensured that cricket fans didn’t have to listen to the Barmy Army chanting ‘we get three dollars to a pound’ all summer long.

When has the exchange rate worked in your favour when travelling and when has it badly let you down?

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Ben Hocking
Ben Hocking
Ben Hocking is a skilled writer and editor with interests and expertise in politics, government, Centrelink, finance, health, retirement income, superannuation, Wordle and sports.
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