Top 10 tourist-friendly countries

In a small blow to our great country’s ego, Australia is not the most tourist-friendly country. However, just as we made the top 10 list for the happiest country in the world, we have also done so for the world’s most tourist-friendly countries, coming in at seventh place – which, when you consider the total number of competing countries (196), isn’t a bad effort.

The 2015 Travel And Tourism Competitiveness Report was recently released by the World Economic Forum, with Spain taking out the number one spot for its “excellent” culture, infrastructure and “outstanding attractions”.

A total of 141 countries were ranked based on key factors influencing the travel and tourism sector, including culture, health and safety, and business environment.

So how did Australia fare? Well, we were recognised for being home to the largest number of World Heritage natural sites (thank you Great Barrier Reef), as well as our excellent air transport infrastructure and leisure and entertainment.

The top 10 tourist-friendly countries are:

  1. Spain
  2. France
  3. Germany
  4. USA
  5. UK
  6. Switzerland
  7. Australia
  8. Italy
  9. Japan
  10. Canada

With five countries in the top 10 places, Europe dominated the list due to the continent’s excellent infrastructure, and health and hygiene conditions.

We may not be the world’s happiest or most tourist-friendly country, but it’s ok because we’re still one of the youngest (and funniest).

You can see the full report and learn more at World Economic Forum.


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