Tourism slogans: The good, the bad and the ugly

Describing a whole country with only a few words is hard. But nations create slogans for themselves to attract tourists. Some of them nail it, others miss the mark a little.

British travel site Family Break Finder has collected these phrases from all over the world (excluding 38 states that don’t have one) and put them on a single map.

Most slogans seem to fall into a few categories: inspiration and exploration, happiness and hospitality, nature and beauty, and finally, ‘there’s nothing like …’

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The word that occurs most frequently is, perhaps unsurprisingly, beautiful. Closely followed by experience, discover and life. This cloud shows the most popular words and phrases used.

Australia stands out by being one of the few who use capitals with “There’s NOTHING like Australia”. Djibouti opted for some clever wordplay “Djibeauty”. And Ukraine just wants you to know, “It’s All About U”.

Some locations went with more literal options such as Barbados “Brilliant Barbados” and Portugal’s “Europe’s West Coast”. Others tested the limits a little such as Saudi Arabia’s “Experience to discover” and Egypt’s “Where it all begins”.

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Some slogans seem to have lost something in the translation. Hungary’s is “Think Hungary – More than Expected”. Tunisia’s slogan is “I Feel Like Tunisia”. I’m not sure they quite get the message across.

The map is slightly out of date as it shows El Salvador’s slogan as “The 45 Minute Country”, which supposedly referred to the fact that you can reach the majority of tourist attractions in 45 minutes. But its current official slogan is “El Salvador: Impressive”.

I think my personal favourite is Cabo Verde – “No stress”.

See the whole fun list of world tourism slogans and an interactive map that lets you check by nation here.

If you had to pick a destination based on its slogan, which country would you choose? Which country could have a better slogan? Let us know in the comments section below.

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Ellie Baxter
Ellie Baxter
Writer and editor with interests in travel, health, wellbeing and food. Has knowledge of marketing psychology, social media management and is a keen observer and commentator on issues facing older Australians.
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